first 3 days

Aug 07, 2011 13:57

So because I started this 3 days ago, the first 3 are here. Tomorrow will start day 4 :)

Day 1 - 10 things about your lolita bubble.

1) I’m a brolita, a rare specie of lolita that can sometimes be too cute for his own good.

2) Sweet and Gothic pretty much split my closet 50/50.

3) I have more lolita shoes than I have… actual shoes.

4) My dad isn’t supportive of my style of dress. But he seems to have adopted the same stance that I take on many issues: live and let live. I’m glad my dad and I have some things in common.

5) I’ve made so many new friends in lolita. I don’t know where I’d be right now w/o some frilly friends and fun.

6) I travel a lot to meets. Its kind of a necessity, as the two cities I’ve lived in either have a relatively inactive community (Jacksonville) or have no community at all (Charleston).

7) I don’t change my voice. Its takes too much work for ineffective results. Sides, I’m brolita and proud.

8) Kodona makes up like… 2% of my closet. Its taken me 2 years to do that XD

9) I carry weaponry and mace to protect myself. Too dangerous for someone like me to be out in the open dressed that way.

10) I wish I could be a lifestyle lolita. I’d do it in a heartbeat. Alas current circumstances prevent that and this wish will have to wait till later down the road.

Day 2 - 10 things you love about lolita.

1. The clothing. Everything is so cute and frilly. I love it.

2. The friends. I’ve made so many new friends over the past 2 years. It awesome to know others who share your flair for lolita.

3. Meets. They make potentially boring weekends fun. And because people are either here to meet others or have fun, newbies are USUALLY never ignored for long.

4. The friends 

5. The shoes.

6. The prints. Some of these prints are the cutest. Things. Ever.

7. Even more friends ^_^

8. Lolita makes me feel beautiful

9. Wigs

10. Have I mentioned… the great friends I’ve made?

Day 3 - 10 things you hate about lolita.

1. Being confused with the pedophile lolita. Two totally separate things.

2. People who make rude comments about how weird we dress when they’re dressed in something that barely covers, well, anything.

3. Prices. Yea, yea. You gotta pay to get what you want. But it’s still such a drain on resources. A cute drain on resources though.

4. Sizing. True, brands owe the west nothing and I suppose I should be thankful that their sizes even reach up to my size. But it’d be nice to get some prints from brands like MMM or AP.

5. Driving to meets. More of an inconvenience than a hate. But like mentioned two days earlier, the only two places I’ve lived in either had a relatively inactive community or no community at all. And even though meets make every trip worth it, it’d be nice to not have to drive 100+ miles for a meet.

6. Using the bathroom. Petticoats really make it an inconvenience >.>

7. People who act like their texting but they’re really taking pics.

8. Milanoo.

9. Milanoo

10. Milanoo *heh I ran out of things to hate on XD*

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