Geez, I haven't been on here much this year. Lots of changes in my life and general craziness have kept me busy for the most part.
Jan. 2010 - Finally got a new job and was able to leave the hell hole I had worked at for 5 years. Can't begin to describe how awesome it felt to leave on my last day and know that I never have to go back there again.
Feb. 2010 - Back-to-back blizzards at the beginning of the month snowed me in with my family for a week. I've never seen so much snow in my life. It delayed the start of my new job by a week, but it worked out in the end.
March 2010 - Nothing too exciting, just life in general. Spent a lot of time learning the ropes at my new job.
April 2010 - I turned 28 and discovered I had some of the most amazing friends a girl could wish for. Welcomed the first great-grandchild to my dad's side of the family.
May 2010 - Watched my cousin get married and reconnected with family I hadn't seen in years. Two of my cousins on my mom's side got engaged. Took an awesome trip to Boston over Memorial Day weekend.
June 2010 - Was co-maid-of-honor at my best friend from high school's wedding to her wonderful wife in NH. Hands down the best wedding I've ever been too. Went to my first pro-baseball game at Fenway Park, Go Red Soxs! Celebrated another friends wedding.
July 2010 - Hosted a 4th of July BBQ for friends at my folk's place. Visited my father and his family at their summer trailer resort during the hottest weekend of the summer. Went hand crabbing and caught a monster of a crab, it was delicious. Also found out my stepdad and his wife were moving to TX.
Aug. 2010 - Found an apartment! Attended my stepsister's bridal shower.
Sept. 2010 - Moved into my new place over Labor Day weekend. Said good-bye to my stepdad and his wife as they finalized their move from MD to TX. Observed a whole new level of crazy during the Teaparty Rally on the National Mall. Found out other cousin on my father's side was expecting the 2nd great-grandchild in the family and celebrated her and her fiances quick nuptials.
Oct. 2010 - Attended my stepsister's wedding. Went to the MD Renn Faire. Made multiple Steampunk and Victorian costumes; attended my first Steampunk gathering. Attended the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear on the National Mall in full Victorian costume with my friends as we hosted a "true tea party" on the Mall. Was interviewed by CNN, Huffington Post, and the Colbert Report. Helped my grandfather celebrate his 80th birthday with our family.
Nov. 2010 - Celebrated Thanksgiving with my family and attended my other cousin's wedding shower. Work became super busy.
Dec. 2010 - Co-hosted an 80s themed murder mystery dinner for a friends birthday. Multiple Christmas parties. Work was out of control busy; was recommened for a new position in another department as a means of promotion. Applied for said new job. Celebrated Christmas and New Year's with family and friends.
All in all a pretty damn good year. While visiting with friends over Christmas, who hadn't seen me in 6 plus months, I was told repeatedly how much happier and content I seemed to be with my life. I have to agree, my life changed drastically in 2010 and it was all for the better.
Looking ahead to 2011 - I'll hopefully hear back on the new job I applied for and depending on how that turns out will determine the direction of my working life. I'm looking into MBA programs and starting to study for the GRE's. Will be registering for a beginner's Chinese class as a friend and I are planning a 17 day trip to China in May 2012 to celebrate my 30th birthday! Lots of planned trips during the first 6 months of 2011; Savannah, Georgia; McKinney, Texas; Rochester, New York; Boston, MA; Dover, NH; and a few trips to southern Virginia. So far I have 3 weddings to attend in 2011, with the potential at this point for 2 more. A few friends and relatives will be having babies this year too.
2011 Resolutions - I try to not make resolutions as you always wind up not keeping them. But I've set reasonable goals to get healthier, visit the doctor for a full check-up, start dating again (after getting burned badly by an ex at the end of Dec '09 I decided to take a break from dating in 2010 to focus on myself), and to continue with positive attitude and changes in my life.
Happy New Year to everyone!!!