Title: Lair
Author: Fayding_fast
Summary: At Wilson's expense, House discovers that a battle has been won.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em
Wordcount: 553
Rating: PG
Warning: This isn't fluffy. Some may find it disturbing.
Spoilers: For season 4.
Con-crit? Yes please and thank you.
Author's note: In canon, House can be a pretty scary guy.
Lair )
Comments 20
But instead, to my amazement, people seemed to like it. Sometimes, I really don't get it.
What happens next.....
Came here through a H/W request post and have started reading your fic.
You are an amazing writer.
Do you mind if I friended you?
Of course I don't mind if you friend me; please go ahead.
Also because it's well-written (and because House's eyes maybe glittering gives him some human emotion), also because there have been dark versions of Wilson in stories and those didn't get flamed, although people who leap to House's defense usually aren't bothered about Wilson being portrayed in a negative light.
To be truthful, I don't know why this story didn't get flamed. In fact, both these stories seemed more popular than anything else I've written, and I'm fascinated by that, because it doesn't make sense. (I was almost disappointed that I didn't get banned from the H/W comm ;D )
I think that your last point is a very good one. Perhaps everyone that left me a comment praising this story prefers the Wilson character to House's. I must confess, I have just read a story where Wilson is portrayed as a psychopath, i.e worse that Dexter, and I absolutely hated it.
Thank you for your much valued feedback.
Did you want to get banned from house_wilson? LOL.
I think I read the story you are talking about - I....didn't like it, but respected it for the amazing story-telling is was...no, I didn't like it.
That could be because the fandom's "canon" more or less regards Wilson as secertly being a bigger bastard than House, and it's far more complicated than that - so I tend to get defensive of his character when I read those things.
Wilson is my weakness - I admit to being biased, he's probably my favorite character out of all media I have read/watched so far in my life.
Not that Wilson's entirely blameless or the eternal victim - he is an enabler, just as he said he was. He doesn't always handle things the best way. House may need him desperately, but he needs House just as much.
Absolutely. If this wasn't the case, House wouldn't have run for as long as it has. People just wouldn't care about the main character. His "nicer" side is often evident when he's talking to young kids.
I used to be married to someone very close to House's personality type
You have my sympathy :) It must have been a challenging marriage.
unless you are Wilson, who keeps coming back for more.
It's a sado/masochistic relationship.
House may need him desperately, but he needs House just as much.
He does. Season 5 has underlined that.
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