Title: Devil's Playground
Author: Fayding_fast
Chapter: 12/12
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em
Rating: PG
Pairing: House/Wilson (pre-slash)
Spoilers: Yes, for Wilson's Heart
Con-crit? Yes please and thank you kindly.
Summary: House meets a strange man who promises House that he can help him to get his friendship with Wilson back on track.
Devil's Playground, part 12 )
Comments 4
No, in chapter 12, after Andrew has explained everything to Wilson, Andrew and Wilson go to the bar and Wilson stops House from signing away his soul.
I can't believe this story doesn't have more reviews. It's so well-written and absorbing, and I just wanted to let you know it's appreciated. The last chapter did feel a bit rushed to me, and I wish there had been more to that final confrontation before the epilogue. But overall, I think you really captured House's and Wilson's emotions so well -- and did a great job of making House both a bit dark and very sympathetic at the same time. Really enjoyed reading!
I'm very glad that you enjoyed reading the fic. I rec'd a few positive comments about the story which is nice.
You might well be right about the last chapter feeling a bit rushed. I wasn't getting much feedback at the time, and I was worried that if the fic went on for much longer, it would bore people rigid. Plus, it was particularly difficult to write because of the time shifts and trying to ensure that the whole think made some kind of sense.
Thanks for taking the time to leave a nice comment, and may I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy new year.
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