Title: Camel's back Author: Fayding_fast Disclaimer: Don't own 'em Wordcount: 1465 Spoilers: Yes, for Histories and Words and Deeds Warning: Angst Con-crit? Yes please and thank you Author's note: How much can a man take?
Title: Sweet talk Author: Fayding_fast Disclaimer: Don't own 'em Warning: I suspect that I'm not sober. Rating: PG Spoilers: Minuscule for seasons 2 and 3 Con-crit? Yes please and thank you kindly. Author's note: Heavily edited October 2021
Here is an excerpt from a HL interview published in TV Zone number 208 which is quite interesting. Contains several possible spoilers for season 3 and spoilers for season 2
Title: Duped Author: Fayding_fast Chapter: 5/6 Disclaimer: Don't own 'em Wordcount: 4719 Spoilers: None Warning: Minor character death and flashback to major character death Rating: PG