♑ 016; > Text

Dec 03, 2011 08:07

PlEaSe bE SaFe.
PlEaSe bE SaFe.
I NeEd hElP.

SiGnLeSs sAiD We gOtTa gO Up.
StAy tHe fUcK AwAy.
MeEt aT ThE ElEvAtOr.
We gOtTa
ShIt. TaVbRo. YoUr lEgS
EqUiUs cAn aLl bE HeLpInG YoU, aIgHt?
We gOtTa
GoTtA GeT AwAy.

[He is just passing on the message. He's so scared he feels like he can't even breathe. Expect nothing out of his 'leaedership'. Why is gamzee driving, man?]

✩ IC, halp halp, needs a wrigglersitter, sad clown, want goatdad, i hate my dad, weh weh weh

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