When the
rassplosion hit, Faylon wasn't in the Nexus, so he was completely unaffected. He still has yet to figure out the way in, which in this case, is likely a very good thing. No multiverse wandering means no direct exposure to LOLs.
Faylen, however, was.
Thanks to this, her reality -- or maybe just her perception of reality? -- has changed completely. The world she remembers isn't the world she came from anymore.
In her world, Roy won the duel with Prince Meredith. Pounded the crap out of him, in fact. Knocked him into a coma.
And he got his wish -- to take the prince's place.
Only not on the terms he expected.
While the real prince remains in a coma, Roy is acting as his double. Only a handful of people are aware of the situation; they hope that the Prince will reawaken before people start to notice the differences... such as the fact he isn't using the Dawn Rune, or how his eyes are golden instead of blue.
...Anyone who's seen the second premature/bad ending of Suikoden V knows where this is headed.
For simplicity's sake -- and to keep this from interfering from any of the other plotlines running -- this counts as a seperate timeline/portal. An offshoot created by the 'rassplosion', one that will probably remerge/collapse/what-have-you after it's run its course. Faylen remembers everyone she's already met in the Nexus -- however, she does not remember the way things really played out, only her current timeline.
This will be fixed -- but it's not going to be pleasant.