Week in Photos

Dec 31, 2024 17:45

The day after we got back from Florida we drove up to Salem to start that series of shows.

The contract says to get there 2 hours before your show. Our group was pretty good about that. And there was a lot of set up to do.

It is a fire festival, so they have a lot of fire around, even if it doesn’t always photograph well.

They do have "igloos" where the performers can go. I did not use them, but others in our troupe were very fond of them.

It was right up against an inlet of the bay in Salem.

Saturday, the second of four days, we got there early with our friend Robin and went over to the Peabody Essex Museum: https://www.pem.org/
It was a short walk from the site of the show.

There was an exhibit on ghosts and folks who talk with them, or claim to.

I did got to a couple of other exhibits too.

This was my favorite exhibit there.

They had one on narwals too, but it wasn’t as good as the others. At least for me.

As is often the case, I did finish up first and waited for the others to catch up.

Then, back to the faire.

It often rained during the day and we needed to make sure they took the protection off the stage before we let the fire up.

I did use their power generator’s exhaust to dry my gloves.

It was foggy most days, but above freezing and that was nice.

The Salem Fire Department was there each night. This guy brought his son back to see us the next night, so we must be doing something right if fire fighters bring their kids to see us.

There is, of course, a lot of set up and prep to do before shows.

Not to mention talking with the press…

If you give folks your phone to take photos, I guess you have to expect photos you didn’t want…

Of course it wasn’t just the teenagers who thought I wanted them to take selfies with my camera…

Today I had to do the shopping as we haven’t bought much since before Florida. And, sadly the market near us closed this fall. I managed one town over.

holiday, photos, salem, museum, adventures, show, phoenix

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