told my ex who dumped me fairly out of the blue in december that i'd reach out & be friends with him again (bc he wanted to be friends, we were friends for years before) when im ready and i said i'd just need a couple months but for the past couple months ive been talking to this new guy i rly like and suddenly have no interest in being friends with my ex (even if it werent for the other guy) :/ oops
we still have the same social circle so i'll be friendly if i see him ever but he hasn't lived here for years so he doesnt come here often
Damn are u bitches alive because I thought you would all come here and wish everyone well or express your fears while we are facing a global crisis...lmao anyway I'm very scared, also I'm happy because I officially started dating my boyfriend last weekend and he's great but its kind of weird timing but whatever...hope you are all ok and I will probably be checking this place if anyone wants to chat in the Age of Social Distance
it's been aaaages since i've been on here but i just got this urge to check if ppl were still using it, times are crazy for real...i'm all up for conversations or tryna get this place going again tbh it might help distract a little
agree w/ other anon I just remembered FBRT and hoped i'd come back to some recent comments. I'll probably be checking as long as life is disrupted around here. some1 should organize former fbrters to come back during social distancing but it wont b me bc im just an anon lol also sux ill be home all day on my bday on Thursday :(
Comments 25
we still have the same social circle so i'll be friendly if i see him ever but he hasn't lived here for years so he doesnt come here often
hi anon!
also sux ill be home all day on my bday on Thursday :(
i stayed in for my bday on the 8th last week too lol
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