Title: Lets make it interesting
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Fernando Torres/Daniel Agger
Disclaimer: Not true, fiction. Ok?
"Whose fucking idea was this?" Carra swirled his whiskey in the glass before tipping it back rather ungracefully and gulping it down. He glared quickly at Stevie who held his hands up in a defensive manner.
"Oi. The gaffer said he wanted a clean night this time. I'm not reminding any of youse of what went on last time round..."
There was a companionable silence as memories of handcuffs and lampposts raced through their minds.
“Clean? I don’t think you could get much more clean than this. Christ sake I could have more fun at the retirement centre down the road.”
Daniel snorted in his seat before receiving a prompt “Oh you know what I meant!” from Jamie Carragher.
It was in fact true. The bar was at least 3 miles from the city centre and the “proper” nightlife and there was barely anyone there, never mind a few women. The old man perched at the bar had turned round to them once upon their arrival and shot them a quick smile before turning back to this lager. It truly was the worst organised Christmas night out that had been organised in years.
There had been the initial excited chatter that came with everyone meeting up but when that died down and the drinks were bought well … there really was not much else.
“We could play charades,” John Arne came out with, suddenly and was met by a herd full of groans (bar Xabi, who sat up quickly before slinking back down into his seat seeing the surrounding glares and frowns).
Fernando finished his sixth straight vodka before tapping Daniel on the shoulder and grinning.
“I think we … I think we need s-some tequila.”
Daniel laughed and rolled his eyes which made Fernando frown.
“You no understand? Perhaps I don’t say it right …” he looked off into the distance eyes full of wisdom “I would want some tequila … por favor.” And he nodded defiantly.
“Its going to take more than a shot tequila to get this party going.” Daniel watched Carragher finally make his way towards the jukebox and insert a number of pound coins. “Like that for example.”
“Ah yes,” Fernando grinned wickedly, “but tequila … always leads to nice things,” his fingers all of a sudden landed gently on Daniel’s knee. “You should know Agger.”
Daniel struggled to swallow the lump in his throat.
“I should?” His voice came out high pitched and like he had a sore throat. Fernando’s head had moved at least an inch towards his and his mouth had become the most fascinating thing Daniel had seen that evening (which, actually, was not saying much but in Fernando’s case it was).
And then everything fell into place and Fernando’s hand was right there and his mouth was placed so that if he tilted his head just a little to the right…
“Daniel! Dan! Its your round, lazy sod.”
He blinked like he’d just been hit over the head and glanced at Fernando who was perfectly fine apparently and walked over to the bar. He saw Fernando winking and getting up to join him but waved him off quickly still slightly flustered at what had happened before. He didn’t see the creases form in Fernando’s forehead at the apparent rejection.
Carra took the drinks off him while Daniel stood on at the bar downing his pint and ordering another. He turned to go back to his seat and froze suddenly at the sight in front of him.
Some heavy rap tune resonated from the sound system now and Fernando had managed to drag Alvaro, in his boredom, to the middle of the room and were taking part in what could be called dancing or … Alvaro humping Fernando’s leg to the beat of the music.
Daniel gripped his glass that bit harder and made his way back over to this seat, sliding in quietly beside Carra, who himself made a comment about the display in front of them.
“Could someone tell them to sit down and stop making an arse of themselves?”
Daniel was about to agree but suddenly Alvaro’s lips were on Fernando’s neck and he felt a rush of something rise up in him and he set his drink on the table.
Just as Alvaro’s hands wandered to Fernando’s waist Daniel found himself out of his chair and his hand on Fernando’s back and a whisper in his ear and to anyone else it looked like he just fulfilling what Carra had said.
Really he was steaming with rage and gripping Fernando’s shirt and hissing “We’re leaving.”
Fernando smiled at the others and waved as Daniel shoved him through the doors and out into the cold night. They got into Fernando’s car a little down the road despite the Spaniards pleas of “how can we drive if we are pissed?”
Daniel sat in silence, letting his rage cool down along with the sweat on his brow and his back as Fernando nudged ever closer.
“Do you enjoy making me looking like an idiot?” He finally managed to the Spaniard who grinned cheekily and stretched his tongue out towards Daniel’s ear.
“Of course not.”
“Then why do you,” Daniel groaned, “why do you insist of doing it every time?”
Fernando reached down suddenly for Daniel’s crotch making the other man gasp and writhe against the seat.
“It proves my hypothesis.”
Daniel couldn’t even think straight to wonder where Fernando had picked up a word like hypothesis.
“What is that then?”
“Hotter tempers equal hotter sex.”