Glee, Jesse/Tina, "tonight,tonight", FRT

Oct 17, 2010 19:12

Title: tonight, tonight
Character/Pairing: Jesse/Tina
Disclaimer: Without prejudice, the recognisable characters used herein are the property of Ryan Murphy and Fox and are used without permission and not for profit.
Rating: FRT
Content Warning: None
Spoilers: Generally, season 1.
Summary: Tina's used to having the auditorium to herself this late at ( Read more... )

tv: shows that rock my socks (glee), fic: small fandoms and rare parings fica, fic: jesse/tina, fic: frt

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Comments 2

deana_in_texas October 18 2010, 04:29:54 UTC
I love it! Especially the ending. I think you nailed his character. And honestly, I think the race thing was ok there - whether or not Jesse believes it himself, he's probably right that most directors wouldn't do it and probably for that very reason. Regardless of how un-racist you are, people expect certain things. And an Asian Puerto Rican isn't one of them. Though I'll admit apparently Arnold Schwarzenegger was an exception to the rule - people were willing to put up with his accent in places where it ABSOLUTELY did not make sense. But I digress.

Actually I have liked most of your Glee writings, I just never have the time to comment anymore. But keep it up! I for one have been reading :)


hybrid_cookie January 3 2011, 16:08:35 UTC
I really liked this. I think you nailed both characters, Jesse in particular. I like the interaction between the two. I really wished they'd shown Jesse actually interacting with some of the glee club members apart from Rachel and Finn.


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