Hello LJ world. I have been absent from you for long enough. Sure, I could give you multiple explanations or justification for the neglect, but what would that change?! What good will it do for us to dwell on the past? Why not start fresh! Let us begin! LET US BEGIN
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It is freezing in my room because my window wont close all the way. My room is also so freakin messy that I cant see the floor and I have to sleep diagonally to fit on my bed ( mr kitty has to squeeze tiny too). I can not wait for spring break so I can actually have a day where I don't have to worry about getting 5 assignments done at one time and
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I'm completely overwhelmed by my three online classes. I haven't had time to take any pictures at all yet. It's sucky. Already two assignments I've had to turn in late, and my first test I did horribly on because we were only given 30 minutes and I am a slow test taker. UGH
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