when i'm not doing hw.....

Mar 04, 2004 02:09

I am so happy now!!!!! AHAHAHA....thanx guys (& girl)!!!!

Fun Time with Justin

jad0re di0r 914: beow
jad0re di0r 914: {{running into your arms}}
jad0re di0r 914: :-\
Justin: awwww ::huggles and pets pets::
jad0re di0r 914: msu is full of drama.....+ it's not even b/c of me much!
jad0re di0r 914: it's just the college in general!
Justin :-\
jad0re di0r 914: but at least they're out of my life
jad0re di0r 914: it's in my lj
jad0re di0r 914: do you even update anymore hun? lol
Justin: hehe rarely
jad0re di0r 914: i miss you so much
jad0re di0r 914: i seriously do
jad0re di0r 914: oh man....
Justin: aww
jad0re di0r 914:
Justin: i miss you too hun
jad0re di0r 914: i think it's good that you got away from this campus
Justin: i think i'm liking this girl cristina, but she's quieter than even me so i never know what to do or what
jad0re di0r 914: LOL oh man
jad0re di0r 914: is she a candy raver?
Justin: like, i crashed with her last weekend, friday night O
Justin: nono
jad0re di0r 914: OOO!!!!
Justin: just cute and quiet
Justin: and we cuddled
jad0re di0r 914: she might be wild in the bedroom jk lol
jad0re di0r 914: aww!
Justin: we didnt even kiss .....buuuut
jad0re di0r 914: that's a good sign at least she likes physical contact with you
jad0re di0r 914: oh great, a freaking buuut
jad0re di0r 914: buttt whatttt?
Justin: there was lotsa .....um
Justin: let's just say she knows her body well and guided me along and i made good good use of my guitar fingers...and she says my hands are pretty lol >_< sorry...tmi
jad0re di0r 914: ..............
jad0re di0r 914: wait
jad0re di0r 914: DUDE....
jad0re di0r 914: DID YOU F-NGER HER?!
jad0re di0r 914: =-O
justin: O
jad0re di0r 914: YEA!!!!!
jad0re di0r 914: ALRIIIGHT! LOL
justin: HAHA oy
jad0re di0r 914: THAT'S MY JUSTIN
jad0re di0r 914: LOL
justin: hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha
jad0re di0r 914: wow
justin: aww
jad0re di0r 914: your hands are very muscular and defined and strong from guitar
justin: it was just cool to cuddle again you know?
jad0re di0r 914: whoa....LUCKY GAL
justin: lol
jad0re di0r 914: damnit, why did i chose ian? jk LOL
jad0re di0r 914: O
justin: yeah she was a swimmin pool when i was done >_< :P
justin: omg
jad0re di0r 914: .........I COULD FUCKING IMAGINE
jad0re di0r 914: WOOOW
justin: lol
jad0re di0r 914: woooow
justin: o m g
jad0re di0r 914: wha?
justin: sorry i'm so silly -.-
jad0re di0r 914: i guess the caloused finger tips gave more....uhh...."texture" to the feel
jad0re di0r 914: Justin's Fingers.....Ribbed for her pleasure
jad0re di0r 914: HAHAHA
jad0re di0r 914: oh my god
jad0re di0r 914: i can't believe i said that
justin: i was totally afraid i'd lost whatever mojo i had >_<
justin: lol aaaaaaaaaaaaaahck :P
justin: i'll give you ribbed errrrrr :P
jad0re di0r 914: hahaha
jad0re di0r 914: i remember touchingyour hands once
jad0re di0r 914: and they were sooooooooo ROUCH AND MANLY AND STRONG
jad0re di0r 914: i was like.....NICE + SWEET JUSTIN WITH FUCKING PORNO HANDS MAN
jad0re di0r 914: WTF?
jad0re di0r 914: they should mold your hands and make some sex toy HAHA
jad0re di0r 914: ok, tmi
justin: ................... o.O >_< O.o
jad0re di0r 914:
justin: i didnt think my hands were anything
jad0re di0r 914: ummm
jad0re di0r 914: ARE YOU SERIOUS?
jad0re di0r 914: how do i say it.....
jad0re di0r 914: your hands are very....strong, defined and just masculine looking
justin: hun ... remember...you're talking to a guy who's shy, and whose line of dates has been ....less than .... >_<
jad0re di0r 914: oh...and also very nice to be touched by...very secure
jad0re di0r 914: line of dates of fat bitches? yea i know
jad0re di0r 914: DUUUUDE
jad0re di0r 914: you should smoke hash
justin: and i'm still gettin used to the rare compliment
jad0re di0r 914: and fuck the sh*t out of cristina lol
justin: lol
justin: omg noooooo not hash! not again
justin: 4 hour boner with no cummin' ... :'( tewrrible torture man. it wasn't cool after a while ....cos it just went on foreeeever with no relief
jad0re di0r 914: wooow
justin: imagine masturbating and never cumming
jad0re di0r 914: you should have taped yourself LOL
justin: uuuuuuuuh..... no.
jad0re di0r 914: oy.
jad0re di0r 914:
jad0re di0r 914: lol
justin: hehe wow i can't believe i'm talking about this crap
justin: geeeeee
jad0re di0r 914: what? duuude, it's me lol
justin: yesh i know
jad0re di0r 914: if you can fart nasty reaking silent but deadly gas bombs in front of me to the point of reinacting the fucking gas chambers in the holocaust with me
jad0re di0r 914: i can so deal with you talking about a fucking 4 hour boner
jad0re di0r 914: gees LOL
justin: omg!!!!! hahhahahahahahahahahah
jad0re di0r 914: lol
justin: this is true
justin: oh jeebuz
jad0re di0r 914: glad to entertain you LOL
jad0re di0r 914: i love da justin! lol
jad0re di0r 914: read my profile, you in it biotch
justin: awwww yaaaay
justin: ok, biotch
justin: ::huugs da biotch::
jad0re di0r 914: HAHAHA
jad0re di0r 914: woo!
jad0re di0r 914: dude, this is so going in my lj LOL
jad0re di0r 914: this whole convo
jad0re di0r 914: but i'll change your screenname LOL
jad0re di0r 914: to prevent further boner embaressment
jad0re di0r 914: this friendship is boner insured LOL
jad0re di0r 914: ok, i'm talking out my ass now
justin: awwwwwwwww
jad0re di0r 914: lol
justin: yeah you're all about the diego-meister
jad0re di0r 914: omg
jad0re di0r 914: I LOVE HIM
jad0re di0r 914: *fanning self* he's so hot
jad0re di0r 914: oh god
jad0re di0r 914: getting really horny just thinking about him
justin: lol
jad0re di0r 914: you said the magic word LOL
justin: hahahaha

Fun Time with Chad

jad0re di0r 914: i'm being silly/stupid tonight
chad: bah
jad0re di0r 914: oh bah too
jad0re di0r 914: keep bah'ing at me, imma shave your hair and sell it as wool
chad: !!!!
jad0re di0r 914: HAHAHAHA
chad: lmao
jad0re di0r 914: lol
jad0re di0r 914: bah bah black chad, have you any wool....yes sir yes sir, three bags full
jad0re di0r 914: O
chad: =0)

Fun Time with Juan

jad0re di0r 914: c is for cookie....it's good enough for me....

juan: lmao! that cheered me up...c is for cookie
jad0re di0r 914: HAHAHA
juan: haha
jad0re di0r 914: is it good enough for youuu?
juan: yes
jad0re di0r 914: cus cookie cookie cookie starts with CCCCCCC
jad0re di0r 914: O
jad0re di0r 914: yaaay! i cheered up juan!
jad0re di0r 914: I ROCK LOL
jad0re di0r 914:

Funtime with Hyunjin

jad0re di0r 914: i updated my xanga!!!! :)

hyunjinie: let me check
hyunjinie: wow u wrote a lot...
hyunjinie: i epoop u tomorrow
hyunjinie: heheh
jad0re di0r 914: epoop? LOL
jad0re di0r 914: ok
hyunjinie: hehe yap

Yes, as of tomorrow...I will be epooped on. Thank you.

Funtime with Jeremy

Jeremy: find me boy sex
jad0re di0r 914: ha
jad0re di0r 914: find me that as well, sir.
Jeremy: easy for me, not for you .....every boy wants some asian gurl bootay
jad0re di0r 914: yea...RIGHT
jad0re di0r 914: then why am i single? *sighs*
Jeremy: u gotta try for STR8 guys...not gay ones
jad0re di0r 914: i know sillyass LOL

Sorry it's such a long post....but I am too happy to care LOL
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