Title: Hello, I Need You, Like A Bullet To My Brain
Rating: R, language and brief het-sex
Pairing: Joe/Pete, Pete/Ashlee, brief Joe/Jon - always-a-girl verse
Disclaimer: I do not own anything, this is a work of fiction. If you googled yourself or someone you know... turn around now.
Summary: Snapshots and movie reels from the relationship of Jo
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Comments 4
Is it sad that I kind of wanted Patrick and Jo to hook up?
I loved this!!
I am so sorry that I have taken so long to get back to you, my internet was dead for a few days and then livejournal has been dicking with me and not telling me when I get comments. But I have gotten all of you comments and I really really appreciate all of them and have read every single one. I am going to reply to some of them but please know that I have read and appreciated every single one of them.
Jo and Patrick would be cute as a couple, but I do like them better as friends. I wish I had a good guy friend that would watch movies, play games, and basically hang around with, that wasn't someone I was dating.
Great story, do you have any more?
I really, really though about making them a couple but their relationship reminded me a lot of the relationships that I had with the guys I lived with. As far as they were concerned I was just this weird dude with tits and when I started to write this thats what I had in mind for Patrick and I am really glad that I stuck with it.
I have another girl!joe one that is paired with Pete but I think you found it :)
Thank you for commenting, it makes me happy to see that someone is reading this one since I don't think that it got out to a lot of people and I am fairly proud of it.
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