third times a charm!

Sep 23, 2005 17:11

about 20 mins after i wrote the last entry james williams called me and asked me to homecoming.

i said yes. hed be the most fun, in my opinion

hahah fun two days

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Comments 16

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fcukher03 September 24 2005, 02:17:51 UTC
hehe yay, thatll make a great story for the grandkids! lol. but yeah james will be fun. homecoming will be fun. now i need a dress.


queenjanine September 24 2005, 00:12:51 UTC
:D haha i didn't get ur text message til after i talked to you...."what did you say to james miss janine?" haha.

dinner before hand maybe?


sounds good! fcukher03 September 24 2005, 02:16:29 UTC
i wanna get a limo. pretty please?!


Re: sounds good! cutie_kaylee September 25 2005, 03:05:46 UTC
dinner at lambertis at 6!!! ill get reservations, prolly for like 20:) the usual.

uhhh i cant afford to go in a limo but that wud be awesome if u all did. i have about $30 for the night....20 for din din and 10 to get in :(. looks like i need a man to pay for meeee...

haha james and jess look at each other special? hahaha riiight. james gives everyone that flirty look. hes such a silly pie.



Re: sounds good! fcukher03 September 25 2005, 04:22:51 UTC
im sure you could get one... why dont you ask ***************************?!
lol and silly pie. ah kay thats why i love you


hannahbanana789 September 24 2005, 01:13:26 UTC
I think James would be the most fun date for you two. I always assumed there was a connection between you guys. :) Lucky duck!!!


fcukher03 September 24 2005, 02:16:55 UTC
haha really? what made you assume that?
and thanks ; )


hannahbanana789 September 24 2005, 02:25:19 UTC
It is just the way you 2 look at eachother... it is like an unspoken attraction


?? fcukher03 September 24 2005, 03:16:54 UTC
uh, right


dumbblonde48 September 24 2005, 03:13:29 UTC
aww jess that so cute ur guys would look really cute togater


fcukher03 September 24 2005, 03:17:59 UTC
aw thanks em!
are you still talking w/ zach... cuz i hear hes talking w/ someone else...


dumbblonde48 September 24 2005, 15:00:43 UTC
yea i kno he has a thing for sylvia but im over it i have someone else in mind for my homecoming date tho


fcukher03 September 24 2005, 17:29:44 UTC
ooh who?!
let me know : )


benbejamin September 28 2005, 10:49:56 UTC
looks like you havnt written in a while...



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