Name (Nickname is fine too):
senri, of course.
Age: 19
Gender: Lady.
How many stampings have you had at
FE_Stamps? If this is a Re-Stamp, who where you stamped as before, and why do you want to change it?: First stamp~
Likes: Hmm… I like birds, Thai food, octopi, wild dreams, well-written fan fiction in general, villains, flowers, ferns, trees (especially birches!), drawing, writing, the outdoors, and reading. The idea of life in outer space. Blade of the Immortal is my favorite manga. I read a lot. I write. I do art. Um, sometimes I make jewelry. Also I'm fairly athletic even though I'm not superb; for four years I was on my high school's ski team and I loved it.
Dislikes: Homophobia, sexism, bigotry in general… liking things that are unattainable… when chatspeak is overused. 'Harem' anime. Being sunburned. Wearing contact lenses. When my eyelashes fall into my eyes and I can’t get them out. Being ordered around. Essays.
Fears and Pet Peeves: Failure. Annoying the people I love and admire so much that they abandon me. Being forgotten. Leeches. When people on the internet only seem to define themselves by what they hate. How the mouse on this computer lags sometimes.
Weaknesses: I’m arrogant and temperamental at times, emphasis on ARROGANT. I have a snotty streak that comes out when people snub me for various reasons; that actually helps me stay optimistic, because then I look down on them instead of feeling defective. I have a huge sweet tooth. I procrastinate and hate to be ordered around. I'm somewhat socially inept and shy but can be overly hard on people. I can get overly wound-up pretty easily, sometimes fall prey to crippling cynicism, and am somewhat high-strung.
Strengths: I'm smart, in a bookish kind of way. I'm loyal, I'm open to my friends and I keep my mouth shut - if you have a secret it's safe with me. I'm motivated and altruistic. I'm open minded and do my best to be helpful.
Favorite quote, and why you chose it: "Having a positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." Because it makes me laugh and, um, I am an optimist. Sometimes. Also "Once you decide to do right, life is easy: no distractions." /altruist
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Why?: I like to sleep! As to why, I'm a college student at a very good, rigorous college. Do you even have to ask that question?
Also I like to write fanfiction, usually for characters that I feel were given rather short shrift in their respective series. It's a nice way to meet people and practice writing.
What do you feel is your best quality?: Didn't we basically have these two questions above? :I Probably my intelligence / creativity.
Your worst?: I'm often moody and distant, I guess.
Do you care what people think of the way you act?: I don't know, sometimes I act embarrassing in public and then doubt whether it was a good idea later, but it doesn't generally stop me. I have second thoughts later but I gotta be me, rite?
What about the way you look or dress?: I love jeans+t-shirts. It's not an item of major concern to me, but sometimes I do love looking really pretty. =3 It's fun.
When doing something that makes you think, like this application, do you rush through it or tackle each step slowly? Why?: Um... if I'm having fun and enjoying myself I take my time, if I'm not I rush a bit. Isn't the why self-explanatory?
Are you...and why?
Mature or Immature?: I would say that I'm mature, in that I can see the necessity of doing unpleasant things and force myself to follow through on that need.
Leader or Follower?: I guess I'd be more of a leader, especially in intellectual pursuits. I really despise waffling, and this motivates me to start directing situations when no one else seems willing to choose a path. I will gladly follow if someone knows the situation better than I do, though.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: ...Optimistic, in a depressed sort of way? Heh! I tend to think that something which at least approaches justice will win out in the end, because I think that humans are basically decent and over time build up a sort of altruistic momentum against injustice. It may take a while but we do our best to get things ordered out. People have their problems, sure, but I don't think that's any reason to write our entire race off. If you made sense out of this mini-rant, I commend you.
Also, when faced with demoralizing circumstances, I remind myself that in the larger scheme of things none of these momentary problems are really meaningful, and they are not likely to affect my life in the big picture. That helps a lot. XD
Impulsive or Cautious?: Perhaps somewhat impulsive. I don't like to jump feetfirst into a situation without any idea of what's going on, but once I have some information I like to start doing things, as opposed to just sitting around discussing the same situation over and over and over again.
Outgoing or Shy?: ...I suppose others would say that I'm rather outgoing. I like to put people at ease by chatting and joking and making them laugh. Even if I do not like a person I generally find them somewhat interesting. However, the surface congeniality actually covers up a tendency to privacy. I like to draw people into telling me about themselves without actually giving up sensitive personal information about myself.
Playful or Serious?: Playful with people I know pretty well, all business when the situation calls for it, like at school/in class. Some things are too important to be jokey about!
Friendly or Mean?: Friendly, but... ah, I've been told I have a sadistic sense of humor? Hahaha. Maybe I'd say nice with a powerful twist of lemon. I like the contrast.
Lazy or Active?: Active! It makes me really happy to be physically active, it always improved my mood a WHOLE lot. I need to be active to be happy.
Careless or Meticulous?: Meticulous - I like to do art, write, and I'm going into the sciences, all of which are disciplines that require at least some eye for detail.
If you could be any class (Mage, Paladin, etc…), what would you be, and why? Um, realistically? I'd probably be an archer/sniper or some kind of mage type, since while I'm athletic I'm not super-strong and a couple good blows could probably take me out. Ideally? Being as assassin type would be so, so cool. They're hot, soundless predators of the dark. What's not to love? ;_____; That or being a wyvern night would be so awesome. Hello, you get to fly! On a cranky dragon! That's awesome.
When at work or school, do you…
Work too hard, or not hard enough?: I work pretty goddamn hard... but it's probably not hard enough. :I HOW I HATE LABS.
Chat with others, or keep to yourself?: Keep to myself! Except if I know and adore the people I'm chatting with.
Boast and joke around, or discuss serious matters?: Uh, jeez, who doesn't do both? But my classes are kind of heavy lately, so usually when I'm just engaging in SUPPOSED-TO-BE-FUN CASUAL CONVERSATION I'm not in the mood to discuss anything too depressing. I'm better at irreverent evilly good humored jokiness anyway.
Eat in a cafeteria, or alone in a corner?: Alone in a corner, rather quickly, so I can get on with doing more interesting and more important things.
Concerning Fire Emblem: When on the battlefield… What is your position? Would you direct the battles, stand at the point, escort the magic users…?: Probably I'd support from just behind the front, assuming I was an archer or a mage-type. Or a healer, even.
Would you rather be sent around to recruit for your group, gather items, or fight?: I'd like to fight although not on the direct front, and also recruit.
If promised a large sum of land, money, or something else valuable, would you betray your
party?: Um... if I could get the reward, maybe I'd take it and pretend to go along with betraying them and then betray the person who'd tempted me to my party. =3 That's a lot more effective then just turning him down flat right? Other than that, no. You could always work to get land, money or valuable items for yourself (and if I'm in a FE party I would definitely have skills to hire out), but it'd be a lot harder to negate a reputation for ruthlessly betraying the people that trust you. Also, losing friends that way is just a bad thing for a person to do!
Why do you fight? For friends? Family? Honor? Or just to prove your worth?: Honor and friendship. Altruist, remember? No matter how deceptive some of these answers may be. I'm a pragmatic altruist.
How well do you put up with annoying people in your group? Do you ignore them, or scream at them? Do you threaten them? I ignore them until it gets to be too much for me, then I whip round and scream (empty) threats at them a whole lot. When they are unmoved... rinse and repeat.
If you were positive your team should be doing one thing, but everyone was doing something else, like marching into a trap, what would you do? What if you tried to tell them and they didn’t listen? Um... ahaha, I guess I'd try telling them first? Pretty sure they'd believe me if danger could be verified, yanno. I guess if they didn't listen, I'd be on high alert myself, and demand that everyone subordinate to me was on high alert as well. If the danger was really extreme, I might actually go off by myself trying to bring back evidence to convince the leaders that following this course wasn't the best idea...
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I wouldn't procrastinate anymore! That, or I'd have the mad power to look at any book and instantly comprehend its contents and their ramifications, but I could turn off the power whenever I wanted. Can you imagine how much easier writing essays would be?! But if you were reading an awesome novel, you wouldn't have to spoil yourself unless you wanted to!
If you could change one thing about the world around you, what would it be?: People would be more empathetic. That or, uh, could I have a pet toucan?!
How did you find this community?: I was invited! :DDD
This is rather important. Would you like your stamp to be restricted to a game, or have a game excluded? Ummm the only FE games I've played are Sacred Stones and, uh, Blazing Sword. Could I be stamped in one of those two games please?