Together We Ride . . .

May 24, 2008 19:55

Name (Nickname is fine too): Taylor . . . like pretty much half of everyone else born in the early 90s.
Age: 16
Gender: Female

How many stampings have you had at FE_Stamps? If this is a Re-Stamp, who where you stamped as before, and why do you want to change it?: No stamps as of yet!

Likes: Reading, debate, theater, film, deliciously bad movies, people-watching, dulce de leche, music, wasting time on the internet, getting good grades, alliteration, Fire Emblem (duh), popping bubble wrap, delicious ballpark nachos, macs, oxygen
Dislikes: Stupidity, windows, bigots, loud bigots
Fears and Pet Peeves: Not that much bothers me, but I have a completely irrational fear of needles. I mean, I can watch a guy's head get blown off in a movie and I'm OK, but try and poke that thing towards me and I'm a mess. As for pet peeves, I can ROFL as much as the next person and I make my typos but I really hate when people use bad grammar and spelling on the internet ALL of the freaking time. Holier-than-thou people also really get to me.
Weaknesses: I'm definitely a bit arrogant, almost to the point of being snobbish sometimes. I'm usually good at keeping it to myself but I realize it's really not a very endearing trait. I'm also a bit shy when taken out of my comfort zones. Well, quite shy, actually. I'm a horrible procrastinator but I do get everything done on time.
Strengths: I'm fairly intelligent, and I definitely have an active creative side though I'm shy about showing it. I am also a very ambitious, which I perceive as a good quality.

Favorite quote, and why you chose it: "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to your death the right to say it," Voltaire. Free speech can sometimes seem like a curse as much as a blessing (I'm looking at YOU Fred Phelps/the like) but without it we'd all be doomed - not in the physical sense, of course, but in the intellectual sense.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Why?:What free time? Honestly, wasting time lurking on the internet and watching movies, the first for no good reason and the second because I love movies and hope to work with producing and crating them someday.

What do you feel is your best quality?: My intellect - I'm not Einstein by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm smart. Maybe it doesn't make me the best as a person, but through life it has been the most useful part of me.
Your worst?: My inner elitist. As much as I'm convinced I'm right most of the time, I know I'd enjoy life a lot more if I wasn't one.
Do you care what people think of the way you act?: I'd be lying if I said I didn't. I do my own thing most of the time, but it still hurts when a bunch of people don't like you. You wouldn't know from talking to me, though.
What about the way you look or dress?: I'm very vain, hah, but my clothing is only a few steps above functional. Still, like it or not, people judge based on first impression, which includes the way you look. I try to make a good first impression.

When doing something that makes you think, like this application, do you rush through it or tackle each step slowly? Why?: I tackle it slowly - I try to do everything as well as I can. I'm not going to go back through this when I'm done, though.

Are you...and why?
Mature or Immature?: A bit of both. I do a good job trying to handle what life and choices bring, but on my bad days I can be quite the whiny little pisser.
Leader or Follower?: Leader, though I can work in a team. When I get assigned to a group in school and inevitably nothing gets done, I delegate and people do what I tell them to.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Realist-anxious. I try to think out both my optimistic and pessimistic impulses but I worry a lot.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Cautious on things I deem important, but very random and impulsive on the 'little' things in life.
Outgoing or Shy?: Outgoing around people I know well, quiet around people I don't.
Playful or Serious?: I lean to the serious side, but I love being goofy and stupid with my friends.
Friendly or Mean?: Always friendly, but my inner monologue isn't always the nicest.
Lazy or Active?: Active in that I participate in a lot of activities and classes, lazy in that I hate exercise.
Careless or Meticulous?: Meticulous.

If you could be any class (Mage, Paladin, etc…), what would you be, and why? Some variant of mage, in that I'm smart and not that physically strong. Maybe a peg knight - flying sounds fun!

When at work or school, do you…
Work too hard, or not hard enough?: Too hard, most of the time.
Chat with others, or keep to yourself?: I chat with others that I like, but I clam up in classes with people I don't like/
Boast and joke around, or discuss serious matters?: Discuss serious matters.
Eat in a cafeteria, or alone in a corner?: Cafeteria.

Concerning Fire Emblem: When on the battlefield… What is your position? Would you direct the battles, stand at the point, escort the magic users…?: I'd probably be best at pre- and post- battle assessment . . . things like assessing the terrain, enemy strengths and tactics, and using that information to decide the best COA for my own army.

Would you rather be sent around to recruit for your group, gather items, or fight?: Maybe to recruit and gather items . . . unless I had sweet magic skillz, I wouldn't be very good in a fight, but I'd be good at planning the fight and providing back-up during it.

If promised a large sum of land, money, or something else valuable, would you betray your
party?: Honestly? Depends. If I had just joined some random group of people and Big Bad Guy comes up and offers me some gold/lands/a title then hellz yeah I'm taking it. If it's my close friends or my family though, I either wouldn't do it or I would really regret it after the fact.

Why do you fight? For friends? Family? Honor? Or just to prove your worth?: To prove my worth. Glory.

How well do you put up with annoying people in your group? Do you ignore them, or scream at them? Do you threaten them? Ignore them unless they bother me, and then just insult them until I can go back to ignoring them.

If you were positive your team should be doing one thing, but everyone was doing something else, like marching into a trap, what would you do? What if you tried to tell them and they didn’t listen? I'd tell them and if I was convinced the trap would be fatal I'd get the hell out until everything cleared up.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: My inability to live fully in the moment.
If you could change one thing about the world around you, what would it be?: Oooh, tough. In a limitless vacuum, I'd remove violence, but as it is I'd really love it if we could stop being carbon whores and find an alternate energy source. That would be nice.
How did you find this community?: Random search. Looked fun.

This is rather important. Would you like your stamp to be restricted to a game, or have a game excluded?

Example: If you didn't play Blazing Sword, but you played Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, and Radiant Dawn, you could ask not to be stamped as a BS character. Or perhaps the other way around? Is there only one game you'd like to be stamped as a character of? Please tell us now. I've played all the NA-release FE games, Fuuin no Tsurugi and Seisen no Keifu, so sticking to those would be nice. Somehow I don't think that'll be too much of a problem.


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