Together we ride (but the Black Fang can come too ;D)

Jun 04, 2008 23:38

Name: Ky
Age: 18 (barely -- 19 very soon)
Gender: tits ♥

How many stampings have you had at FE_Stamps? If this is a Re-Stamp, who where you stamped as before, and why do you want to change it?: First time, be gentle~

Likes: Pretty boys in uniform, soft fluffy pillows and snuggly blankets (not even kidding), cute things, music (no joke, it's on almost 24/7 when I'm at home), roleplaying, graphics-making, drawing, writing, shopping for clothes, tall leather boots (mmmnnn~), penguins, crustaceans (what, they're cute), flavored water, my sword collection, bumblebees, crossover crack pairings
Dislikes: Tastelessness (bad manners in formal settings, etc), people who can't be serious when the situation calls for it, small children, the cost of textbooks for college, the cost of GASOLINE, very high pitched sounds (they can make me fall over if they're loud enough -- it's very embarrassing)
Fears and Pet Peeves: Fears: Losing my sight or hearing, especially in a grotesque manner; getting out of college and being overwhelmed by the "real world" -- Pet Peeve: People who chew with their mouths open/smack their lips a lot STOP IT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
Weaknesses: Whiny, critical, impatient, stubborn, hot-tempered, arrogant, vain, writing like a retard online/using keyboard smashes as punctuation askjfgak, keeping parallelism in these sections *shot*
Strengths: Motivated, resilient, adaptable, reasonably intelligent, loyal, affectionate, supportive, honest with friends, creative, focused, quick learner

Favorite quote, and why you chose it: Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared. -- Eddie Rickenbacker (1890 - 1973)
God, I have the hardest time picking quotes, but I'm really a nervous person. I cover it up with fake confidence but beneath it all, I'm terrified of failing and letting my family down. I guess that courage for me is trying at all. PS: I love that guy's last name. I mean seriously, say it a few times XD

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Why?: Playing DDR, chatting online, drawing, writing, hanging out with friends, fangirling with Mom over video games (not even kidding -- she plays more than I do asfgka)

What do you feel is your best quality?: My ability to learn quickly what is expected of me and adapt to fit it
Your worst?: Tie between my harshly critical evaluation of other people, sometimes to standards that even I cannot measure up to, and my procrastination -- if I know I can get it done in fifteen minutes, I'll be doing it a half hour before it's due (and this hasn't failed me yet, sigh)
Do you care what people think of the way you act?: Sometimes yes, sometimes no -- do I like these people? If yes, then I probably care at least a little.
What about the way you look or dress?: I care more about it for me, really -- I'm terribly vain. So long as I like how I look, that's really all that matters. But I do like compliments ;D And if someone I trust tells me that I look stupid, I'm usually rather open to reexamining.

When doing something that makes you think, like this application, do you rush through it or tackle each step slowly? Why?: I skip around a lot -- sometimes answering one question will let me think about the others more easily. It's how I work on most things -- getting one thing at a later point done can help me sort out something that I might be having trouble with at present.

Are you...and why?
Mature or Immature?: Depends -- I can let go, but when I'm "mature," I'm very firm about it.
Leader or Follower?: Both -- if I feel the leader is doing a good job, I'll follow and be very supportive. If I disagree, though, I have no problem assuming authority if I feel I have enough support.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Little bit of both? I like to see the best in people but I can be terribly negative about things.
Impulsive or Cautious?: I feel bad ^^' I'm being so indefinite with there, but both again. Is it a serious situation or something where it doesn't really matter? I wouldn't up and go on a road trip with less than an hour's notice, but I would go shopping and see a movie with a group of friends without really thinking about it.
Outgoing or Shy?: Probably more shy than not. I don't really approach people easily. It's awkward
Playful or Serious?: Usually playful, even when I am being serious. I have a hard time disengaging from "life is a game." I'll still get it done and done well, but I'll have fun with it. Sometimes toy around with it.
Friendly or Mean?: WHAT who is honestly going to answer "mean" to this. Come on, now. But I'll be honest, when I'm pissed, I can be downright cruel. I know exactly the things to cut deep. It's why I try very hard to keep from flying off the handle at people. BUT ON THE WHOLE, I really prefer to just be your friend -- much easier and more fun that way (:
Lazy or Active?: Gotta be honest, I'm pretty lazy when I'm by myself, but I have no problem being active if it's what everyone else wants to do. I fidget a lot, though.
Careless or Meticulous?: Meticulous. I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Gotta be done right.

If you could be any class (Mage, Paladin, etc…), what would you be, and why? Probably swordmaster. Well, more honestly, myrmidon. Quick but god, I can't take a hit. And I mean that in a metaphorical sense. Some days, I'm just really on top of the world and nothing can stand up to me and I feel great about it, but when something does come along that really hurts, I fall really fast, really hard.

When at work or school, do you…
Work too hard, or not hard enough?: Just hard enough. Sometimes, if I'm bored/done ahead of time/feeling nice, I'll put in that extra effort.
Chat with others, or keep to yourself?: Usually chat lightly with other people -- it's useful to have contacts.
Boast and joke around, or discuss serious matters?: Joke around but then panic about a test and then back to joking.
Eat in a cafeteria, or alone in a corner?: Haha, cafeteria? That's so high school. But I tend to take food back to my dorm when I buy it -- it's quieter there, and 90% of the time, I'm working on some nearly-due project at the same time as eating, soooo.

Concerning Fire Emblem: When on the battlefield… What is your position? Would you direct the battles, stand at the point, escort the magic users…?: I've seen what a crappy tactician I am (restarting certain battles [Looking at YOU, Night of Farewells] 40+ times, not even kidding). I'd probably be paired up with someone in a support relationship and though I'm not strong on my own, together we'd be pretty unstoppable ;D

Would you rather be sent around to recruit for your group, gather items, or fight?: Fight. I'd feel like I was doing the most good. Not to mention... I really do kind of enjoy it. It's kind of a rush of happy.

If promised a large sum of land, money, or something else valuable, would you betray your party?: Nope! If I liked them, then I wouldn't do it out of loyalty. If I didn't like them, then I still wouldn't because I've SEEN what happens to the units that defect ;D No thank you!

Why do you fight? For friends? Family? Honor? Or just to prove your worth?: Probably a combination of family and proving my worth. And possibly proving my worth TO my family.

How well do you put up with annoying people in your group? Do you ignore them, or scream at them? Do you threaten them? I tend to brush them off and if they really won't shut up, I'll make veiled jabs at their intelligence. If the rest of the group takes issue with them as well, I'll plot their downfall commiserate.

If you were positive your team should be doing one thing, but everyone was doing something else, like marching into a trap, what would you do? What if you tried to tell them and they didn’t listen? I'd freak out but I'd follow them. At least then I'd be able to try to do something, since I'd know it was coming.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I'd be less inclined to freak out when I hit tough spots and more inclined to do something about it. Like, you know, better myself. Rather than whine about how I'll never be good enough.
If you could change one thing about the world around you, what would it be?: I'm not going to take the easy way out and say "world peace" -- to be completely honest? I'd like the world a lot better if it were more accepting. Most problems stem from people thinking that their way is the only right way and in the worst cases thinking that other ways are completely wrong and shouldn't be allowed at all/should be punished. Sure, this could go overboard, and where do you draw the line, but that's why as my backup option I'd say "EVERYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO LEVEL UP" :')
How did you find this community?: got an... invite? But that was a long time ago. I just recently got around to joining XD

This is rather important. Would you like your stamp to be restricted to a game, or have a game excluded? I'm extremely fond of the FE6/7 timeline and would prefer to be stamped as a character from either of those, but if another fits me better, then that's fine too. Please nothing before 6, though, since I haven't played them.
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