One Week

Aug 14, 2011 01:15

As of yesterday (Saturday, August 13th) Kassie is one week old. It's about time for some pictures!

Not a very flattering picture of me, but I'm in labor here - it's not a very flattering period.

I actually got to hold her for awhile before they took her to weigh and measure and all that. But here she is on the warming table while they were taking care of all that. She's breathing fine at this point, if that's not obvious! (When she first came out she didn't cry - my mom says she was actually looking a little blue. She was all clogged up, so they suctioned her a bunch and gave her oxygen.)

Here's daddy holding her, not for the first time - he actually got to help deliver her, which we were both really excited about. But at this point things had started to calm down and he could take a good look at this daughter for the first time.

This one sort of speaks for itself. I finally had her back in my arms and, obviously, was very happy about it.

Here's a favorite of mine, first family photo. Well, first without me still pregnant anyway.

My mom and Alex in awe of the tiny new member of the family.

Another cute picture of me and Alex being all pleased.

Poor little thing all gooped up after being weighed and measured and the like.

This is her once we were out of labor and delivery, in our "couplet care" room. Not a fan of pink, but the hat was cute. Apparently it's handmade, donated by a group of women who crochet little hats for the newborns at the place I delivered at. Pretty neat!

This was taken August 13th at home. Wish I could capture how cute she actually is, this doesn't do her justice at all (I bet all parents feel that way) but oh well.

So far she's been a fantastic kid and I'm really proud of her. Not terribly fussy, she's taken to nursing like an old pro (though I'm sore as all hell from how often she does so), and she travels well. We've been to to the doctor three times in the past week (thanks to jaundice brought about by the fact that I'm O+ and Alex is AB+ which made her A+ and therefore not compatible with me), to the store to pick up some stuff I needed, and out to eat to celebrate her week of life. All of these went amazingly well and she was a perfect angel. I'm so very, very proud of her. Hopefully this keeps up!

Despite how awesome she is, though, I'm tired. She doesn't fuss too much at night, only when she wakes up hungry and then she settles right down after she's been fed. Even so, the past week of not much sleep and being up and about all day is catching up with me. Also, I think nursing takes an awful lot out of you. I'm more tired now than I was while pregnant, and get worse faster when I don't eat than I did before. My mom's pretty much "duh"ing me at this point, but I honestly hadn't expected it to be quite this bad. All the same, hanging in there! This parenting thing is... surprisingly... a lot more awesome than I'd imagined.
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