you should ask my roommate matt, he's a photographer and likes exploring abandoned places so i'm sure he could recommend a few to you, his lj name is "_vibrantcolors" :)
yessssssssssssss. for any of these, if you want info on the way in, shoot me an email (jhotaschultz at gmail dotttt com). for the ones i've been in, pictures are up on flickr. ( )
and you should let me know where you end up going and if you find out any places from anyone else... :) i'm always on the lookout for new reasons to go to milwaukee!
i'll keep you updated. this is just a one-roll excersice. but, depending on how it goes, i might do my actual film for the semester on deserted down buildings and stuff. i find them fasinating, and as long as i don't get busted (i doubt i will, the spot i've picked out seems to be heavily traveled before me), i'll go balls out and do all 9 or 10 rolls inside abandoned buildings...
there are some abandoned warehouse/factory-esque building around pierce/booth and concordia/townsend in riverwest. by the old beerline no-longer-in-use railroad tracks. right by the grade school and playground. good luck!
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