Title: Fairy Boy aka "Waiting for my Fairy Godmother to Arrive"
Author: FearfulLT
Rating: Pg-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt/Blaine (sorta), Kurt/Puck endgame.
Genre: Drama/Angst
Warning: Fairies, silliness, and a general lack of respect for canon.
Spoilers: Set somewhere in season two.
Disclaimer: I don't own it and I'm not making any money from it,
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Comments 23
B) You've given me the kick up the arse to finish my FIDW.
C) This going be golden. There's hopefully going to be awkward yelling, misunderstandings, people thinking Kurt is losing it, and so much more.
Puck as Puck the fairy, brilliant idea :) And it's you so looking forward to much snark and badassery... ;)
Great first chapter!! I loved Kurt thinking he was crazy and I love how in character Puck is even though he's a Fairy. Awesome job! Can't wait for more =]
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