As I mentioned earlier, I painted my room the other day. Here are some photos I took last night. Not necessarily the best pictures ever, but good enough...maybe
Wow, it looks like my closet is at a weird angle...
I like my room :)
In other news, today was the first day of class. So far I've been to my 6.001 recitation and my 18.022 recitation. 18.022 lasted half the amount of time it was supposed to because we finished whatever we had to do, and it's hard to have a full recitation if there hasn't even been any class yet. Jack and Beth have the same recitation as me, though, which is cool. I read the syllabus, though, and I get the feelings this will be a boringly easy class. I already know nearly the entire first half of the class and parts of the second half, too. Oh well, at least it will be an easy class and a good review, I guess. 6.001 seems like it will be rather challenging, though. Hopefully I'll be able to survive it alright. I am attempting to stay on top of my game this year so that I can handle all of my classes while having a job and/or a UROP (assuming I can get one), hopefully doing kendo and/or fencing, and maintaining a life to some degree. Should be an interesting year. But as of now I am looking forward to 6.001 :).
I have 8.012 lecture at ESG at 4 today. I'll probably leave in about half an hour. It should be pretty fun.
Hmm, I just did my first pset for 6.001. It was actually really nice. It's online and they have a checker for all but the true/false questions, so it actually helped me get a better understanding of today's lesson (although it wasn't particularly difficult to begin with, but still, getting to apply the knowledge was pretty cool). Plus, getting a 100% so far is pretty nice :-P. I can't really go on with the pset now, though, until we cover λ evaluations, which I assume we will cover either tomorrow or some time next week. Nevertheless, I suppose I can always read the online textbook (=not having to actually go out and buy one :D) to find out what λ means.
Anyway, classes are fun so far :). Woot.