I Was Here, But now I'm Gone....

Apr 02, 2009 12:09

so i have decided that waiting for another three hours for a class i hate is really stupid, especially since i COULD be at home working on my damn portfolio.
sorry for those i promised notes to, but i'm out. see y'all next week :D

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Comments 4

crevanfox April 2 2009, 18:23:48 UTC
so, you're not coming to history either?

Also, thank you for posting, i hate looking around for people and not being able to find them.

Second Cup patrons:still dickish.


fearthemeatball April 2 2009, 18:49:43 UTC
no, unfortunately, history is a no-go as my portfolio thinger is 9-9:30, and by the time i got to hamilton, i'd have maybe 10 minutes of history :(
no problem on posting, i figgered it'd make life easier :D
as for the coffee dicks, might i suggest fire bombing the place once you're done your study? fire fixes everything :P


crevanfox April 2 2009, 22:24:27 UTC
Well, roomie does work there, and it might be nice if one of us has a job......

what the hell, inciderary device it is.

break a leg on your dealie.


shallowesque April 2 2009, 21:42:43 UTC
Fair enough. Good luck tomorrow!


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