Work seems to be going very well, thank god. Of course, I thought the first two days a the other job were going well too, so I could be wrong. But still, these people are in desperate need of help, and seem to appreciate that I'm able to dive right in. I like the people quite a bit, and the drive doesn't suck as bad as I thought it would. Best
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Comments 6
Why aren't you signed in?
I wouldn’t recommend snorkeling in choppy seas, anyway. Anything over 20 knot winds can be way too powerful on the surface. Are they planning to reschedule for later? (I’m surprised they made plans during hurricane season!)
What are you looking for with the birds? Somewhere to take them; or someone to come by?
The year before, the trip was canned because of the hurricane that hit Cancun. They always do the trip the first weekend in Nov. I'm hoping this doesn't make them decide against warm weather destinations! They haven't decided yet if they're going to reschedule. Two years ago they gave everyone a bonus instead. We'll see. *shrugs*
I just wanted someone to stop by on Saturday to make sure they had fresh water and food. I'm okay with leaving them for two days, but four is a bit much. Oh well-- not a problem now. :)
We've got to get together for lunch sometime again! That was a lot of fun. *g*
Depending on how far north you are, I might know someone; but I wouldn't expect you to let a stranger into your place. Are there some kind of 'animal protective' services you've used before; or just friends? If you're around the area long enough, I suppose you'll need something.
*squee* I'd love to do lunch again, and include Carron if it works out. My schedule sucks lately, and weekends are all but impossible. :( Maybe we can work something out by email?
I'm working weekdays until I'm trained, but then I'll have Mon-Wed off. We can do lunch then! Hopefully C will be able to join us too. :D
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