Title: Lightening Grounded
Characters/Pairing: Anders/F!Hawke
Rating: PG-13
Summary: They try for a life together, but things will never be all right, not as long as Justice remains.
A/N: Doesn't mention specific endgame spoilers, but still takes place post-game. Prequel to
The Hunt for Gravity (
He thinks that he doesn't deserve it, but he wants just a little happiness. Just a little. )
Comments 16
(Also, minor note, Lightning as in the electrical phenomenon doesn't have an 'e' in it.)
(And thanks! I knew there had to be some spelling errors in there somewhere!)
The way you handled Justice is brilliant, it somewhat reminds me of Heavy Rain when he just blacks out, except...well, those episodes make little sense. Your use of it is awesome! And as was said before by another commenter, you treat Justice almost as Anders' mental illness, which is a great way to go about it and works really well.
The way you write them both is spot on, and absolutely brilliant. Your headcanon and my headcanon are definitely on the same wavelength. I can't wait to read more of your things!
I wanted to get across a strong sense that there is something desperately wrong about their relationship, but that they're still trying to make it work. I think that's what I like about the romance - it's obsessive and bad, but you still want it to work out somehow.
I'm currently working on another piece, which is turning into something a lot bigger than I initially intended.
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