Title: Fleeting kisses and shy smiles (Kangin/Leeteuk)
Pairing: Kangin/Leeteuk, Kangin/Sungmin, Kangin/Yesung, Kangin/Heechul
Genre: AU, slight angst, fluff
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I evidently don't own Super Junior.
A/N: I am not pleased with the way this turned out. Oh Hankyung. ): And sorry for the probable OOC-ness in here. :X
It was when Youngwoon was a normal boy in his pre-teens, in absolute denial of being hormonal, that he stumbled upon Park Jungsu - literally crashed whilst attempting to keep his eyes on the flying football - and thought that perhaps he might be suffering from a disease that might have something to do with sudden heart palpitations.
He had never seen such deliciously smooth skin, or startling pretty eyes, or such a set of lush lips on a girl before, let alone on a boy. Or perhaps, as his friends had teased Youngwoon, he was too ignorant of his surroundings (" - filled with gorgeous girls and, oh my God did you see her chest?") and never paid much attention to the opposite gender. Youngwoon glanced away because god should he be thinking such indecent things at such a young age?
It was the first time Youngwoon believed in the term 'falling in love at first sight', and it was the first time he ever felt the exhilaration of loving. He learned that the boy - the boy with smooth hair and that alluring, dimpled smile - was atrocious at soccer. He learned that the boy - the boy who introduced himself as Park Jungsu - believed that one day an angel would descend from the heavens and gift him with wings. And he learned that Park Jungsu, dubbed as Teukie-Teukie Leeteuk, was the first person who captured his heart.
Fleeting kisses and shy smiles - Youngwoon was too young then to understand the magnitude of his emotions for Park Jungsu. It was when he was young enough to convince himself that his life was still worth living that Jungsu told him he was moving away.
It was when he was in his teenage years that he came across Sungmin, while looking around the school library in the fervent hopes of raising his grades. Sungmin was optimistic and upbeat; he brightened Youngwoon's day with just a flash of his smile. Youngwoon learned that this Sungmin, his Sungmin, was not as credulous as he appeared to be. He learned that his Sungmin, whose favourite colour was pink and could go - would go - to extremes to have his way, would do anything to keep the people around him happy.
Sloppy kisses and affectionate glances - Youngwoon was too foolish then to realize that Sungmin did not fill the hole in his heart that Jungsu had left behind. It was when he was foolish enough to convince himself that their relationship would last an eternity that he found Sungmin pressed up against the school wall, gasping someone else's name in mindless ecstasy.
It was when his teenage years were almost over that he met Kim Jongwoon in, of all places, the rest room. It was then that Youngwoon learned to distinguish the difference between opening one's mouth and singing, and singing with emotion. Youngwoon liked to believe that he was merely on a rebound, liked to believe that Jongwoon filled him with the pleasure nobody else could give, and liked to believe he didn't have feelings for this rather bizarre person who called himself Yesung.
Heated kisses and smouldering gazes - Youngwoon was too caught up in his little world of make-believe to distinguish the difference between love and infatuation. It was when he was so caught up in his little world of make-believe to tell himself that Jongwoon would never leave him like Sungmin and Jungsu did, that he found himself trying to process the words I don't want to be the one receiving anymore, Youngwoon, I have Ryeowook now and incapable of wrapping his mind around Jongwoon's somewhat peculiar sentence.
It was when Youngwoon was in that awkward stage of near-adulthood but not quite with the mentality of an adult, that Kim Heechul noticed him. Not just any Kim Heechul, Youngwoon reflected one month later, but The Kim Heechul. The Heechul who refused to break any school rules - he simply found loopholes in them -, the Heechul who walked with an air of confidence but really had nothing (much) to boast of, the Heechul who showered his people with attitude and got away with it. The Kim Heechul who showed concern (in the most surreptitious ways) about Youngwoon's past lovers and took the time to bring him out of his self-misery.
Kim Heechul came first, came first in his mind, body, and soul. But Youngwoon was too blinded by hope to notice the lack of heart skipping madness when they kissed. It was when Youngwoon was had such delusions of everlasting love that Heechul decided to break it off with him, decided to ignore his phone calls and countless messages, and decided to move to China with one of his other drinking buddies.
It was when Youngwoon had no one else to laugh with, no one else to smile at, that he received a message from a certain Park Jungsu. It was when they met at the airport the next day, Youngwoon yet again captivated by dimpled smiles and absurdly girly laughter, warm embraces and fluttering kisses, that he opened his eyes and realized that it had been Jungsu, Jungsu all along.
Loving kisses and lingering touches - it was when Youngwoon inhaled the scent of Jungsu, of Leeteuk, that he decided, arms surrounding Jungsu's delicate body and brushing against curved shoulder blades where wings should have sprouted, that perhaps Jungsu would fill that hole in his heart.
"You can't blame me for your apparent inability to kick a ball."
"Shut up," Jungsu groaned, his words muffled by Youngwoon's neck. "Put me down, this is disgraceful."
"Are you sure?" Youngwoon asked drily. "I've never heard of anyone walking on a sprained ankle befo - ow!"
Youngwoon blinked up at Jungsu. "Why'd you make me fall?" He demanded. "I'm helping you! You're never going to - mmph!"
Jungsu slapped his hand over Youngwoon's mouth. "It's your mother," he hissed, eyes narrowed. "You don't want her to -" Jungsu's sentence ended with a squeak when he felt the gravel under them move and dirt in his mouth.
They tumbled down the river bank and landed in the water with a loud splash. "You idiot!" Were the first words out of Youngwoon's mouth as felt the water seep into his clothes and enter his shoes. Jungsu blinked up at him from underneath, head half submerged in water.
"I have a strange sense of déjà vu," Youngwoon declared softly, smiling down at the other's stunned face. Then he leaned down and kissed Jungsu.
A/N: WHY IS THIS SO CLICHED. But fluff is good for the soul, I believe. Happy new year everyone! :D