Title: Breathing
addictivish Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.2
Prompt: #33 Breathing
Prompt Table:
HereWord Count: 333
Summary: Severus struggles with a difficult decision when his best friend falls asleep on his lap.
Warnings: DEATHLY HALLOWS SPOILERS! Read at your own risk.
Notes: Notes: Hooray for my super creative title! I really couldn't think of anything else and "Breathing" seemed adequate enough anyway.
She had fallen asleep. Her dark red hair was sprawled across his lap in a fierce halo, a stark contrast against the black of his robes.
He held her carefully, gently cradling her in his hands. She sighed softly, a small breath parting through her lips.
It always made him feel a bit guilty, staring at her lips when she was talking. Sometimes, he was more focused on how they moved, than what the words coming out of them were. She wasn’t talking now; he could stare at them all he wanted. He should stare at them - at her. That’s the responsibility she trusted him with when she fell asleep, wasn’t it?
He could even kiss her and she wouldn’t know about it.
The thought frightened him. No, he shouldn’t. He wouldn’t betray her trust like that. If he ever kissed her, it should be because she wanted him to, and when she knew exactly what he was doing.
Still, he couldn’t help thinking about it. Would she taste as sweet as she smelled? Soft lavender, and sweet honey, and some sort of Muggle shampoo …
“Sev, what are you doing?”
He flinched; that was when he realised he had bent down close to her, and that hardly any space separated their faces.
He straightened up abruptly, wondering what she would think of him. But she did not seem worried at all; her eyes lazily drifted open and stared at him curiously, the rest of her unmoving.
“I … I was just checking to see if you were breathing,” he said quickly, hoping, praying that she would buy the lie.
She just stared at him, with that look, that curious Lily-like look that made him shrink back, as though she could read everything flitting around in his mind.
“You’re such a noble friend.” And then she sighed sadly, and before he could even think to interpret what that meant, she had jumped off his lap and had already made her way back to the castle.
Another moment lost.