30 Day HP Meme, Day 28

Aug 18, 2010 19:41

28. Hogwarts subject you would most like to take

I am totally with others on my flist who have questioned where is the class on wizarding literature, and I also pose: where is magical art?. Those were my two favourite subjects at high school, and both would be amazing at Hogwarts, and neither of them exist. History of Magic? I think it would be wonderful, if it weren't taught by a dead guy (and don't get me started on how ridiculous I think it is that in a world where students are taught inaccurate histories by their bigoted families, the Headmaster of their educational institution thought it was perfectly fine for history to be taught by a dead teacher who couldn't listen to current debates and thought and teach his students about the historical context of certain beliefs). As much as I would probably love transfiguration because I'd have a mad crush on the teacher, I'm not sure I'd be any good at it. Ditto potions.

Actually, the subject I think I would enjoy most is Divination. Learning to create an astrological chart and read tarot cards, learning the theory behind divination techniques and the history of them (presumably they did do more than read tea leaves the whole time - I can't believe they would only do that). Sure, it might be a 'woolly discipline' according to Professor McGongall, but I differed in opinion with many of my more maths/science-minded teachers on the importance of absolutes (the answer is only a few numbers out! Close enough, dammit!) that I think I would really enjoy the possibilities of Divination and the different possible interpretations of charts/signs/patterns.

Seat me beside Parvati and Lavender and probably Luna. I'd enjoy the debates about what the swirling shape in the crystal meant. Probably I'd be rather enamoured of Professor Trelawney and her weird way of viewing the world, too.

Previous Answers

01. Discuss how you got into Harry Potter
02. Your favorite book
03. What house would you be in?
04. Your favorite movie
05. Wizard Rock: discuss
06. Your favorite character(s)
07. Song that reminds you of HP
08. Your favorite ship(s)
09. Fanfiction: discuss
10. Favorite book moment(s)
11. Character you're crushing on
12. Favorite movie scene
13. Least favorite character(s)
14. Moments in the books/movies that made you cry
15. Whatever tickles your fancy
16. How have you participated in the fandom over the years?
17. Your favorite celebs from the movies or fandom
18. If you could change one thing about canon, what would it be?
19. A favorite fanart
20. A favorite quote
21. How has the HP fandom connected you to other fandoms, interests, or people?
22. Your favorite villain
23. Share some HP icons
24. Rant about Steve Kloves something
25. Song that reminds you of HP
26. What aspect of the books has been best translated to film?
27. What aspect of the books has been most poorly translated to film?
28. Hogwarts subject you would most like to take
29. Favorite location
30. Whatever tickles your fancy

30 day hp meme

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