Does anyone know when Braxton Hicks contractions usually start? I'm 23 weeks now, and I haven't had any, that I'm aware of. Does everyone get them? Sorry if this has been asked before..
You may or may not feel them. You may or may not get them. With #1 I never got them (or at least never felt them) with this one I have been getting them for the past 3 weeks off and on. Don't worry if you do or do not get them. Both are common :)
With my first I didn't feel them until around 35 weeks or so, this time around I've been feeling them for a few weeks now, and I'm 22 weeks, well this week anyway.
A friend of mine says she didn't have any. I think I started getting them lightly around 23 weeks. Even now (25w2d), they're often not very noticeable, but a few are.
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