Introduction for Stress_Kitten

Sep 02, 2006 10:01

Hello all!

Some of you may recognize me from pregnant, but I figured I'd join at least one of the monthly communities and talk to some other mummies-to-be that are looking at being due around the same time as me.

I'm currently at 16 weeks, 6 days according to official estimates. My numbers are telling me I'm due on February 6th and the dating scan is telling me February 12th... so, in the spirit of compromise, I'm opting for a February 9th estimated due date. :-)

My husband and I have been living together for over five years, and got married this past April in a wonderfully relaxing, beautiful ceremony. If you're interested... We conceived about a month later, having been trying (well, not preventing) for about 6 months. My husband is ecstatic and loves to pat and stroke my belly, and talks to The Precious all the time. For me, well, I'm excited by the idea, but I'm really having trouble believing I'm pregnant. I had no pregnancy symptoms to speak of, and the only thing that is telling me I'm pregnant is a growing baby-belly. I'm hoping that when The Precious starts ninja-kicking my insides, I'll start to be able to get really excited.

We have three sets of first-time Grandparents, two first-time Great-Grandparents, a first-time Aunt, and and three first-time Uncles and everyone is very excited about it - except possibly my father, who has a 7-yr-old son (my half-brother) and keeps claiming that he's "not old enough to be a grandfather!" I just ignore him most of the time. :-D My sister, whom I was certain would end up with kids before me, is alternating between being extremely excited for me and about the baby, and being horribly jealous - but she's being a total doll and keeping her jealousy far away from the pregnant woman.

We're hoping for a boy, but having a girl will certainly not be a huge disappointment, and hope to find out at the end of September when we have our "big" ultrasound. So far, everything looks really good. Baby appears to be healthy, I've been taking my pre-natals and eating well, heartbeat is strong and regular and I'm young and healthy. I had blood taken for my triple-screening this past monday, so hopefully we will get negative results on that this coming week and rule out chromosonal abnormalities for as sure as you can get without aminocentesis.

Possible names for The Precious:

Boy: Rhys Derek (Derek is hubby's dad's name and an amazing man)
Girl: Elizabeth (Not sure on the middle name - current options include: Rhonwen, Anwen and Maegan)

About Mum:

I'm 27, live in Vancouver, Canada and am an Elementary Teacher. Currently, I'm working as a substitute teacher, which is perfect for me, as it means I can take a day off whenever I need it in the next few months. :-) My best friend had her first baby mid-June (Hubby called her husband up to tell him we'd conceived the morning after her baby had been born. Heh. We were the first to know about Rylan, they were the first to know about our sproglet-to-be. :-D)so we will have kiddilies who are close in age, which will be nice. My husband and I are planning on having someone stay home with the kid - who will depend on what our finances are looking like - which will be a bit tight financially, but we really believe in trying to do that if at all feasible.

I plan on breast-feeding and cloth-diapering and am hoping to have a medication-free, natural childbirth. I'm not a hugely crunchy-granola type person, but these are choices that are important to me.


7 weeks 1 day

13 weeks 3 days

16 weeks 4 days

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