talk of marriage and divorce

Sep 19, 2008 12:01

I think that maybe some divine presence out there hates Abime Delame.

I think this same divinity also dislikes the fact that Liza has married Henri Rosier.

I think that clinging to Rita is a very good idea right now.

Here are the facts of my life right now...
Livia left Abime. Abime went and rectified this, instead leaving her because no way in hell was she going to get the final word in this. It was violent, I think. So now, when all is said and done, he is divorcing her and raising their baby by himself. And when I finally realised what was going on, what was really going on, I didn't know what to do.

I feel guilty. For reasons I don't want to go into at the moment.

Liza married Henri. I could have told her during her breakdown to run, change her mind, don't marry Rosier because I just don't trust him. I just don't like him. She would have listened to me too, which is another matter entirely. But I didn't. She's pregnant with this man's baby and I couldn't say a bad word against him; against their relationship. Damn it all, I stood up for him. He does love her, he does, and he looked happy during the ceremony.

I have such misgivings, but I need to be happy for the two of them. I need to be there for Abime no matter what happens, because I'm terrified he'll just breakdown. He deserves to crack, but I just hope it doesn't come to that. I need to be that best friend no matter what I think about it all.

Not to mention I also have to be a good husband and future father-to-be now. Rita is getting bigger and bigger and it's getting harder to pull myself away from work, least our roof isn't leaking. I just need to find a balance between going to work, checking up on my mates, and spending time with my wife. It'll all work out.

Yes, it'll all work out. I'm happy despite.

I was thinking about sending out a generic letter to check up on all of you, since my contact with the outside world has been limited these past few weeks. Something like:
Are you okay/mentally stable as of late? [circle]
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Thank you for filling out this survey. Nick appreciates and values your continued friendship. Have a lovely day.
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