"""yeaaa fuckin rad ass weekend.
time i left my house: 8:00
time i got to julies: 10:30
# days spent: 3
# nights spent: 2
average speed on freeway: 80
time to kill before julies math class: 1 hr 30ish minutes
time spent at julies before we remembered to pick up JD at the train station: about 30 mins
time spent waiting for a goddamned train: FOR FUCKING EVER
time spent chillin before the show: 2-ish hours (?)
# inches between my car and the fuckass in the volvo in front of us: probably 2
time spent at show: 5 hours
time spent sitting on a bench oustide, smoking a bowl with a guy no one knew: 10ish minutes
cigarettes smoked: a lot
bowls smoked: 4 (total)
shots taken of sour apple vodka: 4 ish
gulps of ben's pabst 40: 3
drinks of ariana's apple vodka and seirra mist: a lot
# people clicked at the show: 204ish
# people that seriously thought my name was catholic: everyone, until told otherwise
# times i slapped jd: a billion
# slaps in one time: 5
# people i was supposed to give rides for (not including julie & me): 5ish
# people i gave rides to: 2
how fucked i woulda been had i been pulled over: sooooooooooo fucked.
# people who puked out the window of my car: 1
that person: jd
how happy i was he made it all out the window: incredibly
# hours i left my lights on outside the wow: 3ish
# people who said they liked my coat, hair or a both: a fucking million
# times hanna said i was short and cute: at least 4
# times i lost my shoe: 1 1/2
# times i told my cow she's fat: a million kajillion and counting
# times jd ran into the wall of the parking lot across the wow hall: about 20
# times these girls on the steps asked me if i was alright cause i was sitting on the steps with my head down: 2 each (4)
# times the people in front of me almost stepped on me: too many
time me and julie went to bed: 11:30 (!!!)
time we woke up: 10 ish
time jd came back: 11 ish
how jd's story of the night went, reader's digest condensed version: he passed out (maybe drank more?), ben took him into someone's room and hooked him up with blankets and a pillow, woke up in the morning, had problems with the door, finally got it open with some other dude's help, rode the bus to julies.
the part that jd didn't remember, that julie and i heard later, when we were at that house for cigarettes: after he passed out in the hall, someone drew a dick on his face, much later was moved into the room, someone washed the dick off. meanwhile, someone drew a tombstone for him.
what he was called: Hallway
how much funnier it is with that added bit: a million times
how much funnier you will think it is: not much
how much julie and i laughed our asses off over that: a fucking bunch.
how much later i left than i should've: an hour
how much julie was late for her game: only a few minutes
how many miles i drove from my house back to my house (approx): 235
miles to eugene and back: 196
difference (= # miles drove around eugene and springfield): about 40
amount i care: none
# letters missing from "johnny the homicidal maniac" on the thing roxy & i made: 1
which letter: d
word: homicidal
word jd thought it was: homical like homicidal/comical
# months i've had that and not known: about 3
# hours ben was on the phone with julie today: fuckng one and a half
# words julie got in: basically none.
time (yesterday) julies soccer game was: 1 pm
# kids (out of 10) that showed up: 6
# that were actually on the team: 5
# kindegarteners: 1
% soakage of pants: 50
# sides soaked: one
# umbrellas opened in the living room to dry them out: 5
how much bad luck that would be: unfathomable
how long this entry is: incredibly
# lines before i end it: one
this weekend: PRICELESS
i heart you julie i'll come back soon! """
What happened...
I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomache...it hurts so bad..
this hurts so bad...and I dont even know why...
I guess its because I dont even know you anymore...and like I said before my place has been taken...
.....it really hurts that you never call me...in the past year you haven't called me once...
..I guess Im jsut selfish, but this feeling makes my eyes water..
it fucking sucks.