2) Time Force
Time Force, despite some plot holes/
fridge logic, had some great writing, or at the very least some great acting (by Power Rangers standards; they're not Oscar nominees or anything). I really liked the premise of the season, too. It combined time-travel, one of my main obsessions, with evil mutants, who are not quite as awesome as magneto, but it's still slightly X-men-esque. Wes and Jen had great chemistry, and the build-up to their relationship was well done. And Eric! he was the first sixth ranger who wanted nothing to do with the rest of the team, and really PR's first anti-hero ranger. The season finale, while not quite as awesome as "Countdown to Destruction," was still pretty epic, even if Ransik's heel-face-turn was a little unbelievable.
3) Ninja Storm
Unlike In Space and Time Force, the main appeal of Ninja Storm is it's lighter, funnier tone. I could have done without the heavy use of extreme sports, but I really like the season. Everyone, from the rangers to the villains to the tech support
lampshades the frequent PR tropes, and the general
genre savvyness of some of the characters makes this season simply delightful. It also had the first female blue ranger, who was also the only girl on the team. Plus there's Cam, the snarky genius who served as the rangers' tech support in the first part of the season and got upgraded to sixth ranger in the latter half. The finale was a bit of an
ass pull, but I like to think about it as Lothor's well-executed
Xanatos Gambit: If his general/
MOTW destroys the Rangers, he wins. If the don't, their evil energy or whatever goes into the Abyss of evil, which he plans to open at the end of the season to destroy the rangers. Lothor knows he can't lose and spends the entire season having fun instead of obsessing.
And as a Bonus - Worst Season:
I'm so sad that this season exists. This is the season that almost killed the franchise. The veteran rangers graduate at the beginning of the season and and it seems that now that they're out of high school they've lost most of their competence. They, along with Rocky's 12-year-old substitute, make up the team for the first part of the season, until the original four are replaced with a brand new cast. The old mentor/support staff is replaced by a woman who talks in questions and a robot with an attitude. Divatox, the big bad, was just stupid and I don't even want to discuss her. This season was just plain bad.
1-How did you get into PR? 2-Favorite season
3-Favorite Team
4-Favorite Male Ranger
5-Favorite Female Ranger
6-Favorite sixth Ranger
7-Favorite Color Ranger
8-Favorite formerly evil Ranger
9-Favorite Villain
10-Favorite redeemed villain
11-Favorite villain henchmen
12-Favorite villain sidekick
13-Favorite Monster of the Week
14-Favorite Mentor
15-Favorite Support Staff
16-Favorite Supporting character
17-Favorite Couple (canon)
18-Favorite Couple (Fanon)
19-Favorite friendship
20-Favorite Teamup
21-Favorite HQ
22-Favorite Earth Location
23-Favorite non-Earth location
24-Favorite Zord
25-Favorite Uniforms
26-Favorite morph call/sequence
27-Favorite Morpher
28-Favorite under a spell
29-Favorite storyarc/episode
30-Favorite finale