enders-girl Honey - I think I love you! I was gonna come back here for my usual Thursday morning LOST squee, got your comment and link first and nearly toppled backwards out of my chair! YES - I would in fact be interested in seeing those and I can't tell if the pictures themselves, or you knowing me so damn well, tickles me more
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Comments 28
Oh God I love Dom going commando! ! !
( ... )
Such a tease....
But really - what does he expect running around in those paper thin pants in the wind and NO undies - Mr. Monaghan - it almost makes one think you WANT us to see ;)
Nope....I can't say I mind looking over and over again either.
And I have to admit, EVEN THOUGH I AM A LIJAH GIRL, that the Monacock and the Domsticles look might fine all loose and untethered in those drapy second-skin (Thank you, Wind!) track pants! I shall forever believe that Dom has a nice curve to the left going for him now, but then . . . I always suspected. Not that I think about this often or anything. LIJAH GIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL! *ahem* Only looked to please you. Only ran straight over to Dryope's to make you completely happy by looking at ALL the pictures. Only right-click-saved them because I knew that would make you giggle. There! Can I go now? Hee hee hee . . . *stares and doesn't go anywhere*
So....er....we're even right?
And ummmm....yes....I do seem to remember you claiming a certain lefty curve to the Monacock in the past....not that *you've* ever mentioned it before ;)
It's proof, I tell you, sheer proof of the Monacock's exsitence!! Say it with me now tremble: I DO believe in the Monacock, I DO,I DO!!!
The actual pants are a bad fashion choice yes, but BLESS HIM for buying them AND going commando. Although as a result he has killed a few of my brain cells. Not the first time, but the damage is huge(Hehe get it?) this time.
*loses her train of thought again and goes off totally distracted and drooling*
*clicks her heels together three times* "I DO believe in the Monacock, I Do! I Do! I Do!"
I know right - the pants look like they're covered in nail polish stains, those white pockets are awful and he could fit half the cast of LOST inside them....but THANK YOU Dom and THANK YOU wind!
Yeah. That about sums it up.
*licks screen for good measure*
*licks your icon as it seems to be telling me to*
And omg both of our icons pay homage to the dom!tongue! ^_^
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