(no subject)

Nov 28, 2006 09:34

So I got tagged for this meme thing as well. I should've done it a few days ago, I know, but I've been working and not sleeping well, so I'm just a little off lately. No worrying though denizens of Sanzensekai! Your cowboy has not forgotten you~ ♥

List ten people you know of or know personally, and then tag three people at the end of the meme to do it as well.

1. Tidus
2. Demyx
3. Quistis
4. Zexion
5. Aerith
6. Old man (Cid)
7. Celes
8. Yuffie
9. Hayner
10. Kuja

Answer these questions in relation to the people listed above.
Say #9 decided to move in with you. Is that cool?
-shrugs- Sure, why not? C'mon over man~ But there's only one bed *wink*
Would #7 ever make out with #10?
-grins- Oh, ya' never know, she might~ and I don't think he'd mind at all >;3
What if a psychic told you that you were destined to marry #7?
We would get married straight away! And move out to somewhere awesome! And make lots of babies! Heh~ Kidding, kidding! We just work out as friends. ♥
Does #3 have a girlfriend or boyfriend?
I dunno. Do ya' Quisty? I will be so hurt if you do and you didn't tell me! D=
Do you have a crush on #1?
That's...a really stupid question~.
If #6 told you he/she loved you, what would you say to them?
I'd probably tell him he'd better get a room for the night, because after how many he's had, Aerith a certain someone would kick his ass if we went home. X3
What would you do if #4 morphed into a small lizard?
He'd be the lizard with the coolest hair do~! And Dem could b-
I dunno. He could probably change himself back though -shrugs-
What is #5's favorite sport?
Does gardening count? Pwning boys? Not sure, really. :3
Have you ever heard #8's singing?
Why yes, YES I have. And let me just say that next time, I will give Aerith my boot to throw instead of her shoe~. ^_~
Does #7 ever get off the goddamn computer?
'course she does. She's livin' it up in Alexandria! I'm sure she's barely on at all~
Name an inside joke you have with #4.
*starts to say something, but stops*
I don't think we have any.
Do you think #5 and #6 would make a cute couple?
Aerith and Cid? AERITH and CID? Ewwwww~! XD
Sure thing~ ♥
Does #1 get out enough?
I don't know. Why don't you ask Shelke?
What is something #2 says too much?
Dem doesn't say anything too much! He's my right hand man!
How did you meet #4? What was your first impression?
Met him through Dem. He seemed like a nice guy, I guess. -shrugs-
Is #8 gay?
She can't be gay! D= She's my secret hunny girlfriend for life! ^_~
If you give #9 sugar or caffeine, should you duck and run for cover?
I dunno. Maybe I'll find out if he comes to live with me ^_~
Have you ever seen #3 sleeping?
Yes. And when she wouldn't get up I would pull on her hair. ♥
Does #7 like pictures?
I don't know. Maybe not though, considering I'm sure the press went nuts on her as a kid.
Is #2 more the adventurous type, or the laid-back type?
Dem is just Dem. He's whatever he feels like being, and I'm cool with that ♥
Can #1 cook anything well?
*small smile* He can boil water!
Not that I've ever seen, no.
Describe #10 in one word.

Well, that's it for me.
Time to try and sleep. Yeah, like that'll happen.
I tag, uh, Aerith, and Zell I guess~.
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