Application for reimsacademy

Apr 26, 2011 23:43

( fandom faculty/teacher application )

AGE: 24
CONTACT: Omnihotdog @ Plurk
PERSONAL LJ: Omnihotdog

NAME: Clutty “Franky” Flam
CANON: One Piece
AGE: 34

TENURE: 3 years
SUBJECT/POSITION: Shop Class is first choice. Technical Drawing would be a second.
RESIDENCE: At the Academy

APPEARANCE: Franky is a huge guy. He’s tall, he’s wide, he’s built like a 1980s action movie star. After you get over the fact his biceps are the size of babies, you realize he looks like he fell out of a Jimmy Buffet concert in the 90s. He sports a blue pompadour mullet hybrid, he’s prone to wearing sunglasses, gold chains and Hawaiian shirts. He’ll wear khakis if he’s teaching, otherwise he’s wearing a speedo because he’s cool like that. The closest thing he’ll ever wear to shoes is sandals.

Of course, it’s important to note that he doesn’t look so disproportionate in Reims as he does in One Piece. He’s large and in charge, but he’s no so freakishly top-heavy. He also lacks all the fancy-dancy cyborg toys, and his sideburns are absolutely not detachable. Don’t try, he’ll get upset.

The fastest way to describe Franky is flashy, macho and completely over the top. Like the rest of Luffy’s crew, he’s also proud, stubborn and loyal. He’s one of the ones that is very positive and encouraging, and he likes to take over as “Big Bro” around other people, though he tends to practice a lot of “tough love”. He’s never anything but honest, and sometimes he can be even painfully blunt but if he thinks it’s something a person needs to hear, they’re going to hear it whether they like it or not.

He has a pretty quick temper but his moods tend to switch on and off very quickly compared to even some of the other Strawhats in his canon. Whatever his mood is, he’s usually responding to it 110%. He’d deny being emotional, but he’s easily swept into people’s life stories and often cries for them, then takes to strumming a guitar in order to vent his emotions in an acceptably manly way.

He’s also a good engineering mind, creative, logical and ridiculously handy to have around. He’s a complete perfectionist when it comes to his work, and he won’t be satisfied if he doesn’t have enough time to finish everything. Broken things bug the daylights out of him, they either need to be fixed or dismantled. Even if he’s officially retired, he has a strong sense of professionalism when it comes to anything mecanical or structure related and enjoys investigating the things other people have built for ideas. He would take any criticism of his work very seriously and he’d likely completely lose his temper over it. He’d at least carry a good grudge for a while.

When he doesn’t like someone, he’s especially belligerent, stubborn and condescending if at all possible. When angered, he reacts with violence. He’ll either injure the person irritating him or break something to express his displeasure. He’s pretty heavy handed, and he gets very irritable when he’s stressed. It’s best just to let him cool down rather than try and cheer him up because he’ll just get angrier. He likes to fight when he’s in a bad mood, and in generally he’s a bit rougher than most people. He likes to be rowdy, and it’s likely he’d enjoy recreational fighting even though that’s never been shown in his canon aside from cover spreads.

He takes charge of any situation and takes everyone involved under his wing. This actually makes him pretty neurotic because he’s always taking more than his share of responsibility when something goes wrong. He lets the obligations he’s made in his mind own him, and he’s awful about letting things go. So, aside from the fact he tries to manage everyone all of the time, he is a pretty cool guy, friendly, and a team player.

One last thing I almost forgot because I take it for granted when I list “One Piece” as the canon. Franky blatantly defies convention. In his canon he’s a pirate, a yakuza boss and plays dad to a bunch of criminals as insane as he is. He doesn’t care who he upsets in the process or what they might think about him, he’s going to be the way he is and they can kiss his pantsless, hairy ass. He feels the same way about other people and their right to be who they are, and he will fiercely defend that right.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: Franky can work his way around a database and he’s good with computers. He can do some rudimentary coding but he’d be more accustomed to working with a static environment than working on the fly well enough to hack or counterhack the network.


Franky was born to parents he never knew in Southern California. Dropped into the foster care system at an early age, all he knew as a child was being bounced around like an unwanted burden. An albatross passed from one foster care home to the next. When he was 12, he ran away to San Francisco under the idea he’d become a pirate once he hit the ocean. He didn’t know he was bulling ahead into gang-infested areas, and even at that age Clutty had enough swagger to get himself into trouble. Luckily, the first person to get his hands on the boy was an old Japanese man who went by Fish-man Tom. Clutty wasn’t the first kid Tom snatched up before the gangs ruined him, and Tom gave Clutty the same offer he gave a kid named Iceberg. “Work for me, and I’ll teach you a trade.” Clutty agreed, and life was good. Tom taught the two boys how to work on engines and fix cars, and in return they did the manual labor. Tom taught the boys to work hard, and do “Everything with a DON” meaning every bit of your heart and pride. He also believed in academics, and gave them a proper Japanese education within his own garage. It turned out, Clutty was actually pretty smart since Tom forced him to do his work and he couldn’t lose focus.

But, Clutty couldn’t keep out of trouble if his life depended on it. He wanted to do more than change out spark plugs and replace radiators, and he got into the hobby of tricking out rides by the time he was 14. Each one was better than the last, and it started attracting the attention of some of the area gangsters. Tom and Iceberg both disapproved of his hobby because of the kinds of people it was brining around, but Clutty continued to do it on his own, working in the junk yard to keep his partner and his mentor off his back. He started getting the name Franky as a nickname, mostly because it was better than Clutty.

It started getting to the point where the gangs wanted the work done for less than the cost of the parts, so by the time he was 16, Franky started chopping cars to buy the parts he needed. It was only a matter of a couple months before he was caught by police, and arrested. The police cared less about the cars, and more about the people Franky knew, but out of a fear for what would happen to Tom and Iceberg if he talked, Franky refused to cooperate and the state threw the book at him. The entire time Tom and Iceburg both begged and threatened Franky to just cooperate, but Franky stubbornly refused. He felt that because it was his mistake, he should deal with it on his own.

Franky refused even the last minute bargain brought to the table, and he was sentenced to two years in Juvenile Detention. When it looked like it couldn’t get worse, less than six months later Franky got a message from Iceberg that Tom had had a massive heart attack, and Iceberg blamed Franky for putting Tom under so much stress and causing it. The doctors didn’t think Tom had long in this world. Franky was of course, upset but he was given special permission to see Tom in the hospital to say his goodbyes.

When Franky saw Tom lying in his hospital bed, Franky swore to God he wished he never even started working on cars, and said he regretted every car he ever built. Tom ripped Franky a new one for it. Even if Franky was doing work for the wrong people, he did excellent work and he should be proud of it. Tom never wanted Franky to be ashamed of anything he put his hands on. That thought stuck with Franky, and at that moment he really understood what it meant to put your heart and your pride into your work, after you did there was no taking it back.

Tom died several days later, and Franky was left to serve out the rest of his sentence. He was never up for parole on good behavior because frankly, his behavior wasn’t that good. He still made a lot of trouble, he started a gang to fight the other gangs (it didn’t last long), but he did somehow manage to at least take advantage of the academic program the state offered, and he got his GED before he got out of jail. He took the SAT and ACT and scored high enough to get a free ride scholarship at California State. He majored in mechanical engineering, and even though he was nearly thrown out twice for fighting, he graduated with honors in the top ten of his class.

Franky started working on manufacturing and designing automobiles, got laid off when the automotive industry collapsed in the US, and took that as a pretty good sign to pursue his dream: building the ultimate car. He always wanted to invent the single car that had everything, inspired by the sports cars of Porches and Ferrari. There wasn’t anything left for him in America, so he backed his bags and moved to Italy. However, being an unemployed ME from SoCal, he really wasn’t what they were looking for in an employee, so Franky decided he’d have to make his own name for himself and build the car of his dreams. In the meantime, he needed work to support himself.

Franky was able to get certification to teach on top of his engineering degree, and he started teaching public school in Italy until his internship was over. It turned out, he actually had a pretty good yen for teaching. He modeled his style after the firm handed, tough love patience of Tom, and Franky found it was easy to teach something he cared about. Besides, if he was the kind of person who could form a gang and hold their attention, he could handle secondary scholars. He applied for a job at Reims, survived the probationary period and got himself settled in as an educator.

Now he’s been at the school for three years, and he’s looking to expand the technical programs offered by the school, and provide more resources for hands on activities and senior projects. Luckily, age has mellowed him out some, but he’s still as hot tempered and energetic as always. He’s just a little more level headed about it.


Franky has the personality of a mentor. In canon, he not only gets his own gang of ruffians and organizes them into a functional, productive, criminal organization, but he also goes out of his way to share his knowledge with Usopp. Just about every arc after Franky is introduced, he invites Usopp to help him with something or builds something for Usopp to use.

In this Alternate Universe, Franky is still very good at what he does, very passionate about what he does and he communicates well and he has the charisma to make people listen. Well, anyway he gets and holds their attention. Teaching was kind of a last resort idea to use his degree, but it was one of those things that when he thought about it, he wanted to do it. He had a pretty rough life growing up, and if it wasn’t for someone like Tom he’d been shot in a gutter somewhere. Granted, a private school in France really isn’t going to be taking care of a lot of kids with Franky’s situation, but there is also that teenie, tiny, itty bitty little part that knows he’ll have a better shop to resume work on his own automotive design, and the pay is a lot better. Plus, he can train the kids to do some of the work for him. Everybody wins!


Hey kids, guess what? I got you spring projects all picked out. I figured everyone was getting sick of bird houses and folding tables so I thought up something that’ll be really super!

Middle School guys, you’re gonna love this. We’re gonna check out the technology of Ancient war. We’re gonna build Trojan ships, mirrors and test out Archimedes’s take on the flamethrower. Ask your history teacher about that guy, because I don’t wanna explain it. That’ll only be a three week project, so we’re gonna finish out the section with everyone pitching in on a real trebuchet! How do you like that?!

High school guys, I didn’t forget about you! You guys are gonna be working on modern art of technology, and all three grades are gonna work together to build a defense robot. Sounds good, huh? Hey, if we get the computer guys in on this, we might even get it to work!

Ya’ll are gonna have a SUPER week once we kick this off! Don’t forget your shop glasses and your ear protection, you’re not gonna wanna miss this!


This week, Franky was feeling exceptionally good. He had his notes and clipboard jammed under his arm, a bottle of cola in his hand as he made his way to his shop room first thing in the morning. Benches and stools, now that was the place to learn. Way better than desks or chairs. Hands on was the way to go, and Franky had some great projects in mind that would get the kids all worked up.

Franky grinned wildly as he walked, feeling pretty darn proud of himself. He exchanged greetings with his students and waved at faculty.

“Ow! Ow! Lookin’ good, Sis!” Franky gave a big thumbs up at a middle school student who was *technically* breaking dress code with her makeup and colorful accessories. She jumped when Franky singled her out, but settled into a confused state of confidence when she realized he wasn’t going to turn her in.

Franky never reported kids for breaking stupid rules like that. Hell, it was unusual to see Franky in anything close to what the teachers were supposed to wear. While most of the other staff donned a dress shirt, tie and slacks, Franky wore a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts if he thought the weather was a plausible enough excuse. He liked to do things his way, and if it was different well, too bad. He wanted his kids to feel the same way, and he never missed the opportunity to encourage them.

He ran into a pair of high school boys that were starting to get too rowdy in the hall, and it was evident the smaller of the two was gonna end up getting hurt. “Hey, HEY! Knock it off!” Franky stepped between them, and thwacked them both upside the head. “You guys are all bros, got me? So I don’t wanna see you guys fightin’ over that one chick again.” He scolded them while they rubbed their sore heads. “Besides,” Franky made a face, “she’s not really either of your guys’ type so why not go after someone you’d get along with?”

They weren’t very keen on that, but Franky’s point was no one was going to wear locker on their face today and they figured that much out, so Franky let them go. Geez, kids and their hormones. If their friendship survived puberty, they’ll look back and laugh about it, Franky reckoned. The warning bell rang, and Franky cursed himself for moving too slow.

“Aw man, I must be getting old if I’m moving like this,” he complained to no one in particular. He picked up the pace, and made it to class in time before the majority of students had taken their place. Franky grinned, they looked sleepy now, but as soon as he started class, they’d wake right up. Punching the button on his stereo, Rock music started to play and Franky commenced his one of a kind teaching style.



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