I feel Good!

Dec 31, 2004 15:38

Name: Lorna!
Age: 18.
Location: England, UK.
Birthday: 25th August. Im a Virgo! :-)
Where did you hear from us? (give the username of the one who promoted us): I think you were sister communities with someone....I cant remember who, but I just saw the cute promo pic and had to join!

What are your favorite colors? Why?: RED! I love red because it is a loud, vibrant colour and its warm. Silver is another fave of mine, as I think it looks hot on accessories! Plus I used to know an ex-racing greyhound called Silver! He was mega-cute!
What are your favorite bands (name 5)?: U2, Maroon 5, Oasis, Scissor sisters (so camp and vibrant! You either love 'em or hate them!) and Britney Spears.
What are your favorite tv-shows?: The Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, Family Guy, SATC, Futurama!
What is your favorite book? Why?: Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt. It is told with the beautiful irish wit and highlights his endurance and strength during troubled times. I love books that are inspirational and leave you in a sense of awe!
What are your favorite movies?(name 5): Forrest Gump, The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Mrs Doubtfire, Troy.
Who's your favorite actor/actress?: I love Tom Hanks. I think he is amazing. One minute he will make you laugh, the next he can make you cry. So intelligent and witty. A real down-to-earth guy.
What are your favorite songs?(name 3): 1. U2- Pride. 2. Massive attack- unfinished sympathy 3. No Doubt - Hella good.

*Feeling good??*
What do you like about your looks?: I love my eyes! To me, eyes are the first thing you see, so I am glad that mine are green and go well with my (currently) red hair! I also love my flat tum and of course, my hair! My stylist is like a goddess!
What do you like about your personality?: I find it easy to make friends and dont have trouble talking to others. I would gladly help anyone out, I have a passion for learning and a zest for life. I have no regrets about who I am, and consider myself to be strong, loyal but a bit mad!
Is there anything you want to change about your looks?: I would like bigger boobs, but I am not gonna rush out and get a boob job! No way! I suppose there is good and bad in everything. At least if they are small, they cant sag! lol!
Anything you want to change about your personality?: Nope, nothing.
Are you happy?: Extremely!
What makes you happy?: Family and Friends! Hearing a joke, having someone laugh at one of mine, making someone feel good about themselves, making new friends and being loud!
What makes you unhappy?: Arguements, no junk food in the house, pets dying, missing someone.
What's your 'feeling good'-song?: Underworld- Born Slippy or the 'you'll never walk alone song'!
What's one of the craziest things you've ever done?: I have to pick out one! Jeez! Lol! I remember I got bored one day, so I sawn the spare bed and cut it into little plnaks and thrown the mattress and the bed out the window!
If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be?: Either Tom Hanks or a comedian over here called Bill Bailey from Never mind The Buzzcocks!
If you were told you were going to die in exactly 24 hours, what would you do?: First i would probably panic, then cry, then stuff my face, see all my family and friends and take them out somewhere nice and then have a pre-funeral party!
Any special talents, phobias, fears, or just other random things that make you unique?: I hate silence. I cant stand it, it freaks me out!

Give you opinion about...
Abortion: Im pro-choice, so I think it is the woman's choice and if she feels that she is not ready and could not give the child the unconditional love, security and become a good role model, then she has to make a choice, and if that choice ends in abortion, who am I to judge?
Premarital sex: Lets just say I would be a hypocrit if I said I am against it! lol! :-p
Alcohol: It gives some people confidence and loss of inhibitions. Just dont drink and drive. and be prepared for a hangover!
Drugs: I would never touch them, but that is my choice. You never know what might happen and the stuff on the streets is cut with so much shit, you are not actually getting a pure drug. I would never want to abuse or damage my body. Plus, I dont like being outta control!

*Last ones...*
Why should we accept you?: Because I want to make new friends and I am an optimistic smiley chic who loves the look of this community!
Make us laugh:

I think this pic is cute and quite funny!
Promote this community (using the promotion pics) in 1 community and 1 journal:
Your pictures (two normal ones one weird one, and please tell us which one you would like to see on our info page once you're accepted):

If I get accepted, you can use this one! ^

This is a scary one of some fancy dress costume i found in the loft! It looks like a genie is eating me!!! eeek!

And a random one of me and mate when we saw some strippers! lol! I was blonde then!

Thanks for reading all of this! Happy Voting!
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