okay so.
after todays practice. i raelly dont want to do polo. there was a question on that packet he gave us. "what matters most to you. to have fun or suceed?" and really. to me. its high school. its a game i like to play. not love. only like. this is a game that should be fun for us. yet we get worked so hard that its not fun anymore. i know i know we have to win it feels good to win but really. i want to have fun!! and im not saying i dont but when i get yelled at like we did today. that just makes me want to break down and quit. and im seriously thinking about it. i mean i could find somthing way better than that. i ono thats just me.
but anyway =\ i think im going to give hell week a try and then ill see what its like at the end of the week. i think id rather just keep with school. my grades are looking good and i dont wanna ruin them =\. oh well. we'll see at the end of the week. if my ass is ready for another day like that.
how was your day?
i cant sit up straight.
no good is it?