(no subject)

Apr 12, 2005 18:29

1. Your real name: Veronique
2. What friends call you: Ver, Verakanocka(sp?), Ronnie
3. What your boyfriend/girlfriend calls you: veronique/ monster: (
4. What's a name you once wished you'd rather have?: EVAN
5. What is/are the ugliest name(s) you can think of?:  Fern
6. What would you name these if you had them as pets?
a. turtle: ice cube
b. goose:  Ludacris
c. pirate:  goose
d. a pretty boy:  ponie
7. If there was a song about you, what would it be called?: monster at the door.
8. What would you name your kids?:  evan/zoe(girl) i dont care about boy's names
9. What would you name a ship you built?: um..mercy
10. If you wrote a book, what would it be called?: i don't have enough patience to write a book

Have you ever...
11. Thrown up in public?: umm well i threw up in a mcdonalds in Scotland once.
12. Eaten or drank anything spoiled?: no.
13. Had a rip in your pants you didn't know about?: no but i had a big one at my birthday party but i knew about it and i had to sit on the counter until my mom brought me more and it was coolldd.
14. Tripped while checking someone out?: im sure
15. Had to pay for something you broke?: yeah..?
16. Nearly drowned?: YEAH cause my dumbass dad thought i was waving when i was really trying to make him come get me cause i couldn't swim
17. Passed out?: yeah
18. Had a crush on somebody: no way.
19. Been stuck in the rain?:  yeah
20. Been attacked by an animal?: yeah i thought i was gonna get rabies
21.  Caught people having sex? yes my parents sadly enough.
22. Fallen asleep while driving?: no
23. Felt attracted to someone of the same sex?: not that i know of unless it was like britney spears
24. Actually slipped on a banana peel?: no
25. Made a wish that came true?: yes

Complete The Sentence
26. I once had a dream...that i had a sister and she was possessed by the girl in the ring and i was taking a shower and there was a doggy door on my bathroom door and my sister started coming through it and i screamed for my mom to get her and i was like "I HATE MY SISTER" hm.
27. I'm only racist towards...nobody.
28. I don't even know why I'm...not taking a nap
30. Nothing sucks more than having to...pull weeds in the front yard
31. If I had six bucks I'd buy....nothing.
32. It's hot. I should take off my... hat?
33. It's always more fun if you...are with mercy
34. You can't eat steak without...not eating meat the day before
35. You better shut up before I...kill you
36. I really like you and everything but....im gay

What would you do if...
37. A dirty old guy at the airport slaps your butt ?: slap his back
38. Somebody was about to steal your car?  shank them
39. You wake up with a billion spiders crawling all over you and your bed?: freak out.
40 You farted while giving a persuasive speech in class?: um.. say if they don't get persuaded i'll do it again..idk?
41. The person you just kissed tells you they have oral herpes?: hm brush/floss/mouthwash i guess thats all i can do
42. You had three wishes?: 1.straight teeth so iwont have to get damn braces 2. cure for aids/cancer ..and then i wouldn't use the last one until later
43. The government allowed you to choose one thing to be made illegal and one thing to be legalized?: i would make gay marriage legal and owning guns illegal
44. Britney Spears was at your front door asking for jumper cables?: take a pictureee and then give her jumper cables
45. You had a time machine?: i'd go to the year like 3000 to see what it's like first and then i'd go back to when i was like 5 :)
46. FOX gave you a half hour show to do whatever you wanted?:  hm i dont know.

Would you rather....
47. Would you rather find the cure for cancer or the cure for aids?: mm i guess cancer but i dont know cause cancer can be cured sometimes but aids cant
48. Would you rather have the power to fly, or the power to teleport?: teleport..so i can go wherever i want.
49. Would you rather have the power to see the future, or the power to record your dreams?: see the future
50. Would you rather be really skinny, or really fat?: really fat because you can lose the weight but it's really hard to gain weight if your metabolizm is real fast
51. Would you rather be lost in a forest, or stuck in a box?: depends on if there are bears.
52. Would you rather be in a drama movie, or a comedy?: comedy
53. Would you rather be in a hip hop video or a rock video?: hip hop
54. Would you rather have your birthday on Christmas Day, or on February 29th?: february 29th
55. Would you rather live in the sewer, or in Afghanistan?: afghanistan
56. Would you rather be in a mental institution or in a penitentiary?: mental institution cause penitentiaries are for people that do really bad crimes and that seems hard to live in
57. Would you rather snow board or hang glide: snowboard
58. Would you rather be a ninja or a pirate?: ninja

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the following words?
59. Courage: the cowardly lion
60. Driver: car
61. Yoga: jenna
62. Bakery:  bread
63. Roach: gross
64. Mushroom: alice and wonderland
65. Sprung: great.
66. Exotic: dro
67. Pythagorean: theorum.

69. List 3 words that are clues to identifying a person you are currently interested in:  he is a boy named greg. and he doesn't like when i touch my eye.
70. Who or what is your worst enemy?: i don't have any enemies.
71. Who is the last person you kicked?: bob i think?
72. If you had to be a chess piece, which piece would you be?:  the knight
73. Name three people you know whose names begin with the first letter of your last name: Amber, Amanda, Arial
74. What's one romantic thing somebody's done for you?: idontknow
75. "Girls are nothing but drama.": usually.
76. "Only idiots watch The Simpsons.": i don't think thats right.
77. "Kentucky is way better than Cali":  no
78. "There's nothing wrong with stealing.": eh sometimes
79. "Alcohol is the answer to ALL your problems.": no unless the problem is you like throwing up/having headaches
80. "You don't need to go to college to be a brain surgeon.": yes you dooo
81. "Music is stupid.": no it's not
82. "Your car sucks.": no it doesn't

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