30 Days of FMA

Nov 02, 2011 00:34

FMA for 30 Days

Gack! I totally cannot stick to ANYTHING!! lol. So here are the ones that I’m behind

Day 6- Your favorite Homunculus?

Envy! First series or second doesn’t matter. There’s just something about him that makes me wanna…. stuff. Though I will admit that in the first series he was a much more tragic character, yes?

Day 7- Did you see Conqueror of Shambala? Your thoughts?

I did. Hated it. Wish I could scrub that movie from my brain. In awfulness it ranks right up there with Hughes and Nina dying. Like together. At the same time. While murdering small fluffy animals and biting the heads off baby dolls while the children watch. Can’t you feel the lack of love??

Day 8- Your favorite antagonist

Kimblee. Cause he’s just so carelessly evil. He makes me love him and hate him. Kill him and save him. So many different emotions, though I mostly want to beat him senseless. Liked him better in the second series though.

Day 9- Your thoughts on the first anime

What can I say? I watched it first. It’s the one that got me hooked. Even though Brotherhood kept me on the very edge of my seat all the way through it, the first series showed more personality (at least the good kind) and in my opinion, made the characters shine.

Day 10- Barry the Chopper: love him or hate him?

OMG LOVE HIM!! :D Even though he’s kind of a bad guy, he’s just soooo funny!!

Day 11- Your favorite fight

First anime, episode 13. ‘Nuf said.

Day 12- Your all-time favorite line(s)

“I love dogs!” Lol. Actually it would probably be Armstrong in any of his “passed down the Armstrong lines for generations!” rants.

Day 13- Would you ever take the risk and do human transmutation?

Knowing the consequences? Most certainly not. I don’t think I’d have the strength to do what Ed did. Not knowing? Probably. Especially if it were for my children.

Day 14- Which artistic style did you prefer? The first anime or the manga/Brotherhood?

Both actually. While the artistic rendering in Brotherhood was more aesthetically beautiful, I actually prefer the layout of the first series. It was much less darkly drawn. I’ve noticed that to be true of many double series though.

Day 15- Your favorite animal/chimera character

Personally, I’m a bigger fan of some of the chimera in fics than in the series. They’re really not…. good things.

Day 16- Do you have a favorite episode and/or manga chapter? Why?

I’m all about Ep. 13 in the first series. Lol. I could watch that 30 times a day everyday and still laugh my rear end off!

Day 17- Do you have a favorite ship or crack pairing?

Roy/Ed, or some variation thereof. It’s the only pairing I really enjoy though I have read others and kind of like them.

30 days of fma meme

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