Yes Spike's interest in Buffy as the slayer always came off as very obsessive and slightly turned on even back then, making his scene with Dru in Fool For Love one of the few "retcons" that actually works really well, because when you go back and watch season 2 it's obvious that Spike couldn't get enough of drinking in the slayer, while from his perspective believing that it was all about gearing up to fight and kill her
I love Spru, too, and that's what makes this scene so sad. When half of the couple knows they're going to part ways, and the other half hasn't come to the same realization yet. :(
You're absolutely spot on. It's astonishing how well it all works in retrospect. Spike/Buffy was not even a distant glint in Joss's eye when this scene was filmed, I'm sure, but it works perfectly with the way things play out later - and the retcon in FFL also works perfectly, and you can see how right from the very first time that Spike sees Buffy in the Bronze in School Hard and the band is playing that song about 'one step away from falling to my knees.'
I imagine writing for an ongoing TV show one week at a time must require a certain degree of flexibility and tolerance for uncertainty on the writers' part. They're slaves to fans and fan reception, much more so than writers for programs that are shot in larger chunks ahead of time. It must be exciting, too. Coming into work and finding out that, for instance, this one minor character you were going to kill in 5 episodes is going to stick around, and having to make changes to justify and accommodate that. (And not knowing that everything is going to be analyzed to death by fans decades later.) :D
Thanks. I'm a bit curious how it was originally going to go down between Spike and Dru, when the writers were still planning to have Buffy stake Spike in just a few episodes.
Comments 19
Love your icon, BTW!
Brilliant really, even if not intentional.
I know I would be.
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