For 8 days you have to post something that made you happy that day: Day 5
Rather inappropriate icon, since the happy-making is Woxin - flemmings' Woxin fics of the last several days, and xsmoonshine's Santa-hat!Gou Jian Woxin pic :D
(grin) Thank you. Santa-hat!Gou Jian makes me all kinds of happy as well, but so does Hasn't-a-clue!Fu Chai. And I'll probably end up iconizing Ya Yu too: I need a sporfle one.
(qwerty was also responsible for hatting my happy!Jiip icon. She has a touch that way.)
Comments 2
(qwerty was also responsible for hatting my happy!Jiip icon. She has a touch that way.)
(q's talent for yuletide decoration is justly renowned *points to mistletoe!Ginko icon*)
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