So, I read this week's chapters, and both were extremes for me...
Naruto: OMG his mom is fucking AWESOME and their bonding is so damn cute~! I was squeeing over Naruto bonding so well with his mom and being told that she loves him. I'm amazed by this chapter, actually-- it seems like one of the few times in anime where we get to see a shonen hero's MOM, along with both his parents.
Well, that's enough joy for one day...
Reborn: Fucking SHIT did this chapter piss me off. The whole letter thing is a stupid plot device, Katou the Stalker needs to leave Chrome alone before he winds up with a trident in the skull (never mess with Mukuro's posse!), Tsuna's being an idiot for turning down the succession (seriously, kid, you just proved in the last arc that you can BE A FUCKING BOSS. Get over yourself already!) and worst of all, Amano has Yama get blown to hell.
Why the fuck does she always have Yama and Squalo get blown to hell when shit needs to hit the fan?! Does she hate her Rain Guardians or something?? This is such fucking bullshit!! Whoop-de-shit the Shimon Family are now our antagonists, don't mind Yama bleeding out on the floor over there.
And we need the Varia and Calvallone in this NOW. I want Dino here to make Tsuna remember that idiots can be awesome bosses, and I want the Varia here because.... Well, because they're awesome and sexy, and I want to oogle Xanxus being pissy over all this crap.
Squalo (or maybe Dino) better show up to save Yama, dammit. Tsuna needs to stop taking stupid pills that backtrack his character development, the Varia need to be around, this arc needs to stop pissing me off, and Amano needs to stop making our Rain boys half-dead.
Fuckin' A, people.