Title: I'll Let You In On A Secret
Pairing/Characters: Bilbo, Dwalin, Thorin, Balin; Bilbo/Thorin
Rating: G
Fandom: The Hobbit
Word Count: 1,088
Spoilers: For the end of the book/movies.
Summary: Bilbo learns one of the biggest secrets of the Dwarves.
Notes/Warnings: My sister asked if anyone had written gender-changing Dwarves. That planted a
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Comments 2
I like this headcanon, and the point that traveling is just safer as male. Somehow the image of some of the the dwarves being anxious to change back feels just right! Are there any of the party who were born in the wrong place and aren't able? It sounds like that would really set you apart in some sad ways...
No, none of the Company was born outside a Chamber of Change, but I haven't figured out yet if that's REALLY necessary for them to change or they just THINK it is.
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