Title: Durinson's Coffee
Pairing/Characters: Ori, Balin, Dwalin, Bard; Ori/Dwalin
Rating: R
Fandom: The Hobbit
Word Count: 1,427
Spoilers: Not really.
Summary: Jumping ahead several months.
Notes/Warnings: Continuation of the coffee shop!au. Dun, dun, DUN! Plot complication. No beta.
Durinson's Coffee )
Comments 2
Both of them turned at the sound of a suppressed snort from Dwalin. "I'm sorry, but neither of you can look properly threatening."
Ahhh, I love the image of Balin and Ori trying to look really tough and threatening and kind of failing, lol...
It's just not in either of them to do that. Now Dwalin, on the other hand, can be MUCH more intimidating.
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