Jul 11, 2011 11:10
Guards and Greeters--anyone not scheduled for today has just had their day off revoked. Yes, even you.
I've put together a new schedule of patrols; you're to find new arrivals and help acclimate them to the Sphere, as well as escort them to Temporary Housing. Newborn articles will be bundled and brought with you; bags will be provided. You’re on your own for walking shoes, but luckily it’s a nice day out today.
If you’re scheduled in the Hatchery or Temp Housing, nothing has changed. Report to your shifts as usual.
For the new arrivals, my name is Yoruichi, and I run the Hatchery Guard. Normally, you’d have seen some of my people upon your arrival, but apparently the powers that be have decided we needed extra exercise. Maybe that’s a sign I need to schedule more surprise training sessions.
Regardless, welcome. We’ll do our best to help you settle in.
(ooc: Patrols are two Guards and a Greeter, just like a regular shift, and they’ll be sent to cover the Tree and islands. No, Greeters don’t report to her, but whatever Fugue, she’s commandeering your people.)
like a boss,
reading is fundamental,
responsible adult,
queen b speaketh and whatnot,
didn't read a damn thing i wrote did you,
waaaaat i don't even