Name: Yuu Kanda
Age: 128 (looks 18 or 19)
Race: Shapeshifter, Feline Clan (wishcat)
Appearance: Same as usual Kandas except with black cat ears in place of human ears and a tail at the base of his spine. He also has bright blue eyes.
Wishes/Lives: granted 3 wishes, used 2 lives. Has 4 lives/wishes left.
History: Grew up in the 19th century in a small family group of shapeshifters, was childhood friends with Alma.
Alma granted his first wish by accident, but it wasn't long until their small town figured it out and came after him to solve their problems. The legends of blue eyed, blue furred 'shifters granting nine wishes had them looking at Kanda as well. The two of them fled.
Over the years, they stopped aging and stayed stuck looking somewhere between eighteen and twenty and found out the hard way exactly how the 'nine lives' part worked. When fatally wounded, Kanda suddenly recovered, as if by magic.
Alma, the kind heart that he was, found out that their wishes weren't unlimited. Nine wishes later, Alma grew ill and died, leaving Kanda alone in his travels.
It was a long time later that he met a middle school-aged Lavi and formed an odd friendship. Lavi set on becoming a Bookman like his mentor, despite the connotations about rabbit 'shifters.
Lavi met Allen and Lenalee in highschool, and they ended up meeting Kanda too. Kanda's apartment was a few doors down from Lenalee and Komui's place, and when Lavi and Allen needed a place to stay, they moved in to Kanda's place as well.