Contradictions on the "Bigots" list

Apr 25, 2019 05:19

The tweet reads
"If you aren't on the list do you even exist?"
Linked image is an image of a sign showing a list if "bigots"
I'm about to show how you must appear somewhere on that list as the signs author is a bit unhinged.
"People who stop at the yellow light" and a wreckless driver.

Homophobes, Transphobes, Misogynist

Ok totally consistent here. No big deal


If you reject cultures that support any of the first 3 items you are a Xenophobe if you don't reject those cultures you are the first three.

First contradiction and it's a biggy. There are a lot of cultures that demand biggoted behavor you must reject those cultures to not be bigoted. In rejecting those cultures you become a xenophobe. So if you are not a xenophobe by exitention you are a homophobe, transphobe and misigynist.


If you aren't a Xenophobe you are ok with abilist cultures. Ok this would get tedius so I'll stop with the Xenophobe thing but seriously there are a lot of bigoted cultures out there.


Oh come on... alright I'll presume this is a limited form of classism that dose not include people who take any of the labels on this sign seriously.

Body Shamers ... Ok seriously I could rant on this alone but not the point just pointing out everyone is on this list.
Slut shamers ... Side note sluts body shame others but this isn't a contraduction you can object to the behavour of a slut as long as you don't object to her slut behavor.

Taking issue with capitalism is a form of classism.

Cis Men
Noticed it's gotta be men. Not trans men or Cis women.
This is kinda sexist however so far the sign has avoided sexist and used misogynist instead so being sexist against men is ok.
I just wanna notice however being a Cis Man is not a behavor. You are bigoted for existing. Existence is bigotry to this person.
Hitler would love this person.


Jackpot, remember how I said Xenophobe is a big contradiction. Islam is a religion that mandates most of this sign. By far not the only culture that mandates bigotry. I technically can side step this one by being an abrahamaphobe meaning I recognize how Christians were doing the same shit in the 1980's. I also recognize it as the past but it's a not so distent past for me.


If you are not an anti-semite you are an Islamaphobe. If you are not an Islamaphobe you are an anti-semite.
Also the semites (jews) are Xenophobic because of the attacks on them from Islam.

Seriously? Read the bottom of the sign "Misery awaits" not without cops it dosen't. Idiot

Bible thumpers
As an abrahamophobe I agree. throw in Koran thumpers but you can't because that would be Islamaphobic.
It's litterally the same behavor from a diffrent group.
Also bible thumbers don't use suside bombs. But I'm getting off the point.

YAF members
I have no idea what this is. Ok I looked it up this person is litterally defending fashism. I know Nazis are gonna come up on this list and this is a clear contradiction of that,

You know how Xenophobe was a contradiction? This is worse. This is objecting to the opposition to bigotry,

Meh, even republicans take issue with the republican party now.

Didn't take long to contradict the anti-YAF thing

Existence is bigotry.

I'm more anti-life myself. No seriously thow this person has so much hate. Choice is the law pro lifers are just advocating that people chose not to abort. Oh well nuance is lost on this one. This person is a fashist.

Two peoples names: They hate each other BTW. A race realist and a Jew. But this signs author is not really paying attention to detail.
Also by attacking a jew the signs author is an anti-semite.

So much hate. Technically redundent with the anti-capitalism thing.

The modern KKK works with the NAACP. Everyone refers to the historical group as if it still exists. The KKK today is a diffrent group.
BTW fuck the NAACP and any group that works with them.

"Nice" guys
The author of this sign.... just saying.
But really guys act nice just to get laid. That pritty much explains this sign in a nutshell. Signs author is trying to get laid and dose not care if the sign contradicts itself.
"I'm one of the good guys, can we fuck?" That is what this sign is really about.

White supremicists
Just a side note, race realists are not white supremicists. People get this wrong. However again author not checking out details just spitting out words. I'm sure he means race realists however we'll stick with the words he used not what he meant.

Notice how often guys who do this shit turn into rapists, Just saying. Signs author is a future rapist.

Yep... Everyone hates abusers even other abusers this one stands alone. Abusers are in denial thow so there is no point here.

Yeah this is basically the same as cops.

Well Trump did support Hillary it the past and Hillary supporters are clearly the biggest biggots in the world.

Hahah even this hateful virtue signialling retard objects to child rape.
Everyone hates pedos. The MAPs are a lost cause.

Not bigots. They belong on a list with flat earthers not white supremicists. Signs author really just spitting out random shit.

Prison guards
Words fail me how stupid this is.

This is litterally the third term for exactly the same class. Oh yeah and this sign listed classists yet this is the third time this sign is classist against the wealthy.

Cat callers
No comment

Not even a real group.

Border wall
Yeah I already commented how this is just mindlessly throwing words.

aka the people the border wall keep out. Thus opposing the border wall is supporting colonists.

"People who stop at yellow lights" Is this a joke?

Every day I deal with people trying to dump trash on us at night. Unrelated rant however people think they are recycling when they are really just causing us fines with the city, This shit has caused all the other recycling centers in the area to be closed.
They pretend they are fighting pollution when in reality they are fighting FOR pollution. We can't have this shit laying around outside it contributes to polition you fucking retards and the city knows it that is why the close recycling centers that allow it.
Posting signs like this dose not help because people don't inform themselves they just spit words.

And 4th time attacking the wealthy class only this time it's worse because CEO is a position and not all are wealthy.

5th time... already listed billionairs so. So much hate for the successful.


Internet trolls


Frat boys
So much hate

Rape appologists
Again Islam mandates rape apology as do many other cultures so if you are not a Xenophobe you are a rape appologist.

Cultural appropreation
To prevent that you become a Xenophone and build a wall. Oppose the wall or oppose xenophilia you must endorse cultural appropreation.
Also there is another term for that it's called Jim Crow. This is what the KKK were all about.


People who don't tip
How many times did this sign bash people who seek wealth? 5? Also the latest SJW thing is tipping is racist.
Oh yeah and call be racist because I do tip. I should do a rant on tiping but for now focus.

Signs author. Just saying.

Signs author really hates people who enforce the laws but wants more laws.

Impact party
I should check them out

Anti semite confirmed

Horny men on the TL
Signs author

Climate change deniers
Long rant short version. Climate change is caused by polution. Not by cow farts. All the solutions are actually unrelated political agendas that would otherwise get no support.
So even those who fight clinate change are climate change deniers as they reject the science in favor of a doomsday fantasy.
The right thinks climate change is just a doomsday fantasy because that's all the left talk about is a doomsday fantasy.
Actually climate change isn't a doomsday thing it's just hay we gotta clean up polition or the planet will cook.

That is if we find a way to not choat to death and nature fixes climate change itself.

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