Fake fans

Jun 18, 2019 21:43

Ok so you can recognize fake fans when they say things like "Why can't Zedla be a girl" because Zelda is a girl the character you play is a genderless elf named Link (so Link can be a girl)

In this whole SJWs trying to hijack fandoms while being outsiders. So lets get into this topic of fake fans.

Alright lets start with a recent one. An actress suggested a female joker who is a hero and the reason she became the joker is because she was told to smile all the time.

So let's start with that. When I was young I was told to smile by random women. This is not a feminist thing this is a "everybody should smile" bullshit everyone gets and feminists pretend only ever happens to women.

Also it's not the "bad day" the joker talks about.

The Joker cannon, the joker had "one bad day" that's the Joker cannon. What was in that "bad day" isn't known. However it's not being told to smile. That's just stupid.

Why I say this is because some critics of this actoress are saying the joker cannon is he fell in a vat of acid. According to the joker he dose not remember. The story changes every time he tells it. It's not like he's making it up he just remembers it diffrently every time. All he really knows is it's one bad day. Tramatic enough that he blocks it out. So it looks like some anti-SJWs are fake fans.

One version he fell into a version of the laserus pit that turned him permenently insane and made him immortal (this version was even cannon for a while).

One version has him as a failed commedian who went insane when his wife was murdered. Oh yeah and he fell into a vat of acid but it was his wife being murdered that did it.

My point is there isn't a cannon for how the Joker became the Joker other than "one bad day". So the actress is more of a fan than the anti-SJWs still her idea of what a "bad day" is... No.

Ok so we can establish some of the Anti-SJWs don't actually know what they are talking about.

Now let's jump to an example of the SJWs being clueless.


To SJWs Cyberpunk is a cool Utopia future where you can get anything you want.
That's because they are "Fake fans" and know nothing of cyberpunk beyond the name and even that they are getting wrong.

See to them "punk" means cool so they think CyberPunk means "CyberCool". Lets break this down to see how they got this totally backwards.

They get the word "Punk" from the punk seen. At the time when the cyber punk genra was first called cyberpunk the punk genra and just gotten started most people didn't even know about punk music and the author who first coined the term cyberpunk (being famous for starting the genra) was way too old to be into that kind of music.

The reason Punk was called punk was because it meant the same as scum, bully etc. Nazis were called punks. People who beat up gays were called punks. It's a negitive term for someone who dose not fit social norms. "We are the person your mother warned you about". It came to mean "cool" long after the "Cyberpunk" genra got started.

Instead Punk in cyberpunk meant someone who was fucked up. Not the good guys and certanly not cool. Cyber at the time was short for cybernetics or basically implants. So litterally cyberpunk means someone who modded away humanity ane became a machine. Not cool but the opposite.

Early examples of Cyberpunk (pre genra cyberpunk) cybermen.. same idea having removed everything to become machines. Dalek having mutated due to war and embraced those mutations to become part machine.

Then there is the borg I'm sure Star Trek TNGs borg came after Cyberpunk and may have even been inspired by cyberpunk.

Anyway the message is don't trust corprations and limit the cybernetic modificatons you get.

Personality mod chips for pedophiles, rapists and psycopaths. Not for avrage citizens. Not for protesters.
hay QuQu... In cyberpunk people with gender dysphoria get personality chips not gender reasignment. This is the future SJWs want. This is the SJW utipia. Personality mod chips to take away the gay. Why personality mod chips? Well dude.... they all have a trojen horse back door....

Some activists group says something bad about Harry Potter so HP fans need to get persoanality chips just to be sure they don't turn into satanists. What could go wrong? "ObeyTheCorp.exe"

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