Fic: The Fire Within, Chapter 6. Au Human. Liam/Spike. NC-17

Nov 14, 2006 12:12

I feel guilty for holding out on you for so long. Sorry. I've just not been in the mood for some reason. And it's a short one again, nothing really happens. I'm going writing tomorrow and will work hard, I promise.

Title: The Fire Within, chapter 6
Author: felisblanco
Pairing: Liam/Spike
Rating: NC-17
Author's note: The movie they watch is Hero, directed by Yimou Zhang

Previous chapters are here

The Fire Within, Chapter 6

Wasn’t until they pulled up outside his apartment and Spike killed the motor before getting out of the car that Liam realised the kid was going up with him again.

“Hey, you know, you don’t need to…” He paused, suddenly feeling unsure. He didn’t want to sound like he wanted Spike gone since he actually wanted him to stay, but at the same time he kind of resented the notion that he needed a babysitter. “I’m fine. Don’t need you to watch over me. I’m not…”

Spike locked the car before straightening up, leaning his elbows casually on the roof. “We don’t have to have sex, Liam. Actually we probably shouldn’t.”

They shouldn’t? Liam swallowed his disappointment. “That’s not…”

“I’ve got today and tomorrow off. Got nothing better to do. Besides, I don’t trust you yet, pet.”

That stung. “I’m not gonna kill myself, all right? It was a one time thing. I don’t plan on repeating it.”

“You going to have a drink?” Spike’s voice was calm and even but it still put him on the defence.

“What if I do? You’re not my mother, Spike.”

“No, I’m sure your mum doesn’t want to do to you the things I’m imagining right now.” Spike smiled at Liam’s obvious discomfort before turning serious again. “It’s only been half a day, Liam. You’re still shaking and you look bloody awful. Half an hour alone in that apartment and you’ll be out and across the road, stocking up.”

It was all true but that still didn’t make it all right for a damn rookie to talk to Liam like that. “I’m not an alcoholic, Spike. I drink because I want to, not because I need it. I’m not some goddamn addict.”

Spike sighed and closed his eyes for a second before locking them with Liam’s. “Do you really want to talk about this out here?”

Liam glared at him, then turned around and stalked to the door to the apartment block. He looked back to see Spike still standing by the car, watching him patiently.

“Are you coming or not?”

Spike shot him a grin and sauntered around the car, his swagger turning up the heat in the pit of Liam’s stomach. He was still angry, or rather defensive, but his dick didn’t care. All it could think about was the gorgeous ass that was hiding inside those tight and worn out jeans and Spike’s words that they probably shouldn’t fuck. Why the hell not? What was wrong with fucking? Especially when Spike was so obviously made for it.

He fumbled with the keys, dropping them once before finally managing to open the door. He hated to admit it but Spike had been right. Liam’s hands were shaking and he was dying for a drink. Half an hour? Yeah, right. He wouldn’t even have waited for Spike’s car to disappear around the corner before he’d been back out and buying something to drink.

They walked up in silence, Liam’s breath coming in short gasps as they finally reached the third floor. Pain was shooting through his side and he suddenly remembered that he had no painkillers. Fuck. He growled as he opened the door to his apartment, stepping aside to let walk Spike ahead.

Spike made a stiff bow, grinning widely, and walked inside with a theatrical air. “How nice of you to invite me in, sir.”

Liam rolled his eyes. “Whatever. As if you wouldn’t just have staked out my place, waiting to jump on me if I dared to peek outside.”

Spike grinned and thumped Liam amicably on the back. “Yeah, that’s me. Spike, your friendly neighbourhood stalker.”

Liam snorted but he couldn’t hold back the grin. He toed off his sneakers, then gingerly took off his jacket, hissing as the movement stretched his healing skin.

“Still hurts, eh?”

“Yeah. And thanks to you I have no painkillers left.”

He regretted the words as soon as they were out but Spike seemed unfazed, just threw him a smirk and pulled off his own jacket. “Yeah? Well, guess you’ve just got to ride it out and be a man like the rest of us.”

Liam flipped him the finger. “Funny. Haha.”

Spike flung himself down on the couch and stretched like a sleepy cat. His t-shirt rode up and he splayed his fingers on the strip of skin, scratching his belly lazily before pulling the material back down. “Real men don’t need painkillers, mate. We just spit and scratch our bollocks and that’s it.”

“Yeah?” Liam raised his eyebrows. “Real men pass out all the time, after getting a tiny bump on the head?”

Spike threw his head back and laughed and Liam thought his heart might stop. Spike’s neck stretched before him, Adam’s apple bopping up and down as the hearty laughter travelled up and filled the apartment. No one had really laughed like that in here since…

“So what do you wanna do?” He looked around, biting his lip. “Got some movies. We could watch something.”

“Sure, yeah.” Spike sat up, genuine interest in his eyes. “What you got?”

“Erm…” Liam turned to the shelves by the TV. “Mostly foreign movies. I’m a bit of a movie buff.”

“Okay. Let’s have a look.”

Suddenly Spike was beside him, their bare arms almost touching. Liam could feel the heat from Spike’s skin licking his and he found his arms suddenly covered in goose bumps. He took a step back and shivered.

Spike glanced over, frowning. “You okay?”

“Yes.” Liam crossed his arms, rubbing his biceps awkwardly. “See anything you like?”

Spike paused, eyes lingering on Liam’s hands before turning back to run over the titles. “Love those Chinese films.” He reached out and pulled out two DVD cases. “Pure genius, that man.”

Liam’s face lit up. “Yes! I love those. They’re more than just movies, they’re like…” He paused, unable to find the words.

“Poetry. That’s how I see them. The colours and the movements… Pure poetry, mate.” Spike flipped over one of them, reading the back cover. “Haven’t seen this one yet, but I’ve heard it’s brilliant.”

“It will take your breath away.”

Spike turned his head and looked at Liam, small smile playing on his lips. “Oh, I’m sure it will.”

Liam could feel himself blushing and he quickly turned away, picking up the remote from the sofa table. “You want pop corn or something?”

“Nah, I’m good.”

They sat down on the couch and Liam flipped on the TV, waiting impatiently for the menu to show up. “Dubbed or subtitles?”

“Do you even have to ask?”

He snorted and chose English subtitles and they settled down in silence, feet propped up on the low table in front of them, as what seemed like an orgy of colours exploded in front of their eyes.

Liam had seen it five times already but it never seized to amaze him. Soon he found himself enraptured in the story, while his ears and eyes feasted on the amazing colours and music. Spike was right, it was like poetry or a painting come to live. A glutton feast for the senses.

Spike shifted beside him but he paid it no mind until he suddenly felt the weight of Spike’s head settling on his shoulder.

“Sorry. Just… so… tired.” Spike yawned and rubbed his cheek against Liam’s tense shoulder.

“It’s… ok.” Liam swallowed. “You want to borrow my bed?”

“No. This is good. Comfy.” Spike sighed and shuffled closer. “Just give me a nudge if I get too heavy, yeah?”

“Um... ok.” Liam sat still, listening to Spike’s breath slow down until it turned into soft snores and Spike’s head lolled to the side, hair brushing Liam’s chin.

This was… strange.

Not that he was that familiar with gay dating, apart from Billy he hadn’t dated guys at all, but he doubted this was norm, for complete strangers to cuddle up and fall asleep after only knowing each other for little over a day. Not that Spike and he were dating…

Actually he had no idea what they were doing. Spike seemed to have taken it up on himself to be Liam’s guardian, which was rather funny considering the kid was barely out of his diapers. So if he was Liam’s guardian that made Liam his… protégé? No, that didn’t seem right. They were…

Friends. They were friends. Or slowly becoming friends. Possibly with benefits.

His cock twitched and he mentally shushed it.

This morning they had been well on their way to doing what he hadn’t done in other ways than anger since Billy died. It had felt weird, doing that with no emotional attachment, not anger and certainly not love. Just lust. He wasn’t that kind of guy. He’d had his one-night stands before Billy, quick fucks in restrooms or motel rooms, but they never felt right. Once he got together with Billy he understood why. And after Billy died…

There were nights he’d been so drunk and so filled with anger and grief that he’d gone down to the strip, picked up the prettiest kid he could find and fucked him hard up against the wall. It never made him feel better, in fact he’d cried more times than not after it was done. They didn’t laugh when he pulled himself out, shoulders shaking with sobs, broken voice whispering, “Sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” over and over again. Maybe they saw that kind of thing all the time. Maybe they knew enough about life’s harshness to not mock a man that was buckling from under its weight. He didn’t know and he didn’t care, just pushed a few extra bills into their sweaty hands and stumbled out of there, craving to get drunk and get drunk fast.

But this…

He hadn’t wanted to do it out of pure lust since…. well, probably high school, and the feeling confused him. There was no doubt that he lusted after Spike, hell, how could he not? It wasn’t just because the boy looked so much like Billy - in fact the more time they spent together the more he saw how completely different they were - but he had an air about him that just radiated sex. Billy had never been like that. He’d been beautiful and sexy in his own way but so naïve and innocent that it was disarmingly charming more than anything. Spike however knew he was good looking and he didn’t shy from it, instead he revelled in it. It was a part of him, like his accent and the twinkle in his eye. Liam didn’t doubt for one second that Spike had been telling the truth, that he could flirt his way into anyone’s pants if he wanted to. God knows he was halfway into Liam’s without even trying. With most other men the effect would have been sleazy but with Spike it was just… well, fucking hot as hell.

Spike muttered in his sleep and rolled over on his side, his head sliding down to rest on Liam’s belly. He stopped breathing for half a minute, afraid the bellowing movements of his gasps would wake Spike up. When he finally let out the air in his lungs and slowly exchanged it for fresh, Spike only mumbled and put one hand on Liam’s thigh before resuming his snoring. His palm felt hot enough to scorch and Liam suddenly worried that the boy had a fever. He hesitantly laid his palm on Spike’s forehead but it was dry and no warmer than his own skin. He kept his hand there for a while anyway, as if he could absorb Spike’s dreams, then let his fingers run through Spike’s hair and down to his neck where he paused for a moment before sliding his hand up the muscular shoulder and then down the slack arm, finally resting on the curve of Spike’s waist. His t-shirt had once again ridden up and with only a moment’s hesitation Liam let his fingers slip under the hem and then splayed them over the warm skin.

He turned toward the TV again, watching the red and yellow leaves of the forest dance as the women fought, swords slicing through the air in a ballet of movement.

Continued here

I'm at work but I'll get to answering feedback for chapter 5 as soon as I can.

genre: au human, fic 2006, fic, btvs/ats fic, pairing: spike/angel, the fire within

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